2. Iron Man.

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The brunette in purple and black looks at me like I'm an idiot "What the hell are you on about man?" "I'm figuring that out. Who are these other people?" "Black Widow." I follow his line of sight to see the only female amongst them, she has long ginger hair and green eyes like the one we know, she's wearing a black catsuit "Hmm... She's an Avenger?" "That's right." "Okay, who's this?" I point to an older man with dark brown curly hair, dark brown eyes who's wearing a purple dress shirt and jeans "Hulk." "Don't know him then, this?" I point to a muscular man in an Asgardian outfit with blue eyes and long blonde hair "Thor." "As in the God of lightning?"

This is one hell of a team, why do they have such people amongst themselves?

"I think it's thunder he's the God of." I ignore his statement and point to a dark skinned man in a green t-shirt and jeans "This?" "Falcon." "Don't know him either, this?" I point to an older man with dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, he's wearing a t-shirt, jeans and has a blue glow under his shirt "Iron Man." I take a closer look at his face and the glow of his shirt.

Arc reactor.

I throw an arm up in the air "I know what's going on!" I run out of the room and close the door behind me, Grandpa looks down at me "So?" "Before we move them I need to make a call. JARVIS, call the Director." "Hello?" "Some of these people go by familiar codenames, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Thor, Iron Man... Captain America." He takes a deep breath "They're imposters?" "No, they each represent those people in some ways, but not in others, for example Captain America looks nothing like he should, instead he looks a bit like someone else. It's complicated, but I'm pretty sure they're from an alternate universe or reality or whatever, they called themselves the Avengers." I can hear the disbelief in his voice "Those people make up the Avengers?"

Exactly my thoughts.

"They have 2 other people, but I didn't recognise their codenames." "Send your team back to the facility, I'll send the clean up crew and a spare quinjet, bring those 'Avengers' back to the helicarrier." "You got it Eagle." I turn to the man beside me "Take the rest of the team back to the facility, I'm taking this lot to the helicarrier when our ride gets here." He nods and walks down the corridor, speaking into his earpiece, I re-enter the room where Hawkeye and Captain America are talking "Right!" I clap my hands together to shut them up and stride back into the centre of the room "A quinjet is on its way, we're taking you to S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters to discuss everything, mainly how you got here and how to get you home."

If we can even get them home, I'm sure if Iron Man and I put our heads together we can come up with something. Oh, this is so exciting!

"Home?" I look to Captain America "Yeah, being the genius I am, I've already figured it out. You lot are from an alternate reality." I look at his short blonde hair, blue eyes and lack of facial hair, then his is blue, red and white outfit "In some ways very alternate..." He looks incredibly confused "Alternate reality?" "I mean seriously, what's with the brightly coloured outfits, are you trying to stand out?" "Alternate reality?" I sigh "YES! ALTERNATE REALITY!" His face turns a little pink "Take Merida for example, in this world he is a deaf archer! He has blue eyes and blonde hair, not brown! There's 2 of him now, similar in some ways, different in others! Do you understand now Captain!?" He nods his head vigorously.

I've always wanted to do that!

I take a little breath and speak in my usual voice "Now, I'm going to un-paralise and let each of you away from the walls. You're all going to be good little superheroes and do as I say, capiche?" He nods again "Good." I first wonder around the room and un-paralise everyone, then I start undoing their restraints. As soon as Hawkeye is out he starts untying Black Widow, once they're all untied they silently follow me out of the room and through the base until we get outside.

Good timing.

I see 3 quinjets appearing in the distance, 2 contain the clean up crew and the other is for us, when they land I lead the 'Avengers' over to them and we step into the one only occupied only by a pilot "Alright, let's get going." The pilot nods to me and closes the door so he's on his own in the front, I sit with the others, still in my suit. Whilst the others quietly talk amongst themselves, mainly questioning Iron Man and Hulk about alternate realities I decide to check on my team "Hey." I hear my wife's voice "Hey babe." I feel eyes on me.

I wonder if alternate me is married and has an adopted son too? Hmm...

"What's going on?" "The group of people I found are apparently the Avengers, they seem to be from an alternate reality." "Seriously?" "Yep! I'm taking them to the helicarrier, so the Director can take a look at them." "Is he amongst them?" "Sort of, he's kind of him, but kind of not, it's complicated." "What about you? Are you there?" "Yeah, sorry babe, but you and our Spiderling aren't." "It's fine, don't worry about it. I wonder if the other you has us?" "I was just thinking the same thing! You now what, I'll ask him." "HIM!?" I start chuckling "Yep."

Maybe I should not reveal myself as a female just yet, he'll work it out later.

"Oi, Iron Man." He looks over to me, eyebrow raised, I speak to my wife "Oh my God, he does the eyebrow thing!" I can hear the excitement in her voice "He does!?" "Don't you dare fall for him." "Wouldn't dream of it sweetheart." "Anyway, got a question for you. So you're Iron man, do you have a family?" He looks a bit surprised by the question "I've got a girlfriend, her name's Pepper." "Oh. Wait, does that stand for something?" "Virginia, Virginia Potts." "Babe he's dating the other you. But you go by Pepper." He raises his hands "Woah, whoa, whoa!"

He's finally realised who I am.

"You're me?" "That's right, Toni Stark." "Same here." A huge grin appears on his face "So, you're dating Pep?" "No. We're married and have a kid." His mouth drops open "A-A kid?" "We adopted him, in more ways than one." "What do you mean?" "He joined our family and the Avengers." This gains the interest of the rest of the team, Captain America speaks "Who's on the team?" "There's me, I'm in charge of the whole team, my wife, Extremis-" "She kept the extremis?" "Yes, she wanted to help people. Anyway! Our son, Spiderman, Winter Soldier and Hawkeye. We have a Doctor at the facility andCaptain America used to be on the team but now runs S.H.I.E.L.D."

Should I have told them all that? Oh well, might as well tell them everything now.

"What about Black Widow, Hulk, Falcon, Thor?" "Well... that's where the worlds are a little different, Black Widow is in a cell for assisting Thor in the battle of New York and he's in Asgard prison, for the second time actually." I look at their shocked faces "But I've never heard or seen the faces of Hulk or Falcon." Iron Man speaks "This is so cool, isn't it Brucie?" The Hulk nods, a smile on his face too. I get back to the conversation with my wife while they continue to talk amongst themselves.

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