1. Captain Steve Rogers.

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We were on a mission to investigate a facility which had been using enormous amounts of power over the past few hours, when we arrived and learned it was HYDRA we decided to put an end to whatever it is they were up to. It was a trap. They knew we were coming and managed to trap us, they caused Stark's suit to malfunction and managed to knock out and capture the 7 of us.

I open my eyes to a banging headache, as my eyes adjust to the bright lights I realise I'm inside a large room, I can't move my body, only open my eyes and breathe, I try speaking but I can't. I glance around as best I can, I seem to be in a circular room, my team are also here, I can see most of them. They are each strapped to a piece of upright metal, leaning against the curved walls, wires are sticking out of their arms and things stuck on the sides of their heads.

What is going on!?

I hear panicked breathing a little to my left, but I can't see the person, I glance around at who I can see, Sam, Nat, Barton and Dr Banner. So I assume it's either Stark or Thor, I try to make a noise to alert them I'm awake too. I hear a door open and voices, when I look I see that it's a man in a white coat and a man in a smart suit, they both look shocked, one of them drops his clipboard "What the hell!?" The one in the white coat gets startled "I-I told you, they just appeared." "But who are they!?" "I-I ran their blood through our database, we know 2 of them. This one is Agent Clint Barton from S.H.I.E.L.D and this one." He points to me and avoids eye contact with me "Is Agent Steve Rogers."


The other man shakes his head "Definitely not." He walks over to inspect me, I glare at him, he looks down at my arm "Not our Winter Soldier, can't be the same man. Where did they come from?" "I don't know, I walked in and they were just here, hooked up and unconscious." "Strange. Let's contact S.H.I.E.L.D, show 'em Agent Barton."

I don't understand what's going on, he mentioned the Winter Soldier, but was looking at me? And S.H.I.E.L.D?

They leave, the rest of my team start to wake up, I can see some of them panicking, but I can't do anything about it. After a while the 2 men from before re-enter the room, the suit man carrying a high tech camera, he stands in front of Barton and holds the camera up, the other man holds a phone to his ear "As you can see we have one of your Agents, are you ready to make that deal yet...? What do you mean he's not yours...? We've done the blood work, he is Clint Barton, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D... Well, if he isn't yours, then who's is he!?" He shuts the camera off and storms out of the room, yelling down the phone.

But S.H.I.E.L.D was destroyed just a few weeks ago, who was he talking to? It definitely can't have been Fury, he's still pretending to be dead, this isn't making any sense.

It feels like hours go by until noises can be heard, familiar, alarming noises. Gunfire and shouting. The door opens and the noises get louder, I hear a robotic voice "Keep guard out here, this might take a while." Heavy metal footsteps can be heard walking into the room, a silver robot about the size of a man walks into my vision and stops in the centre of the room, glancing around at all of us, it settles on Barton, it speaks "Well, this is creepy... You look just like him, apart from the hair. Listen up everyone, I'm here to rescue you! You have 2 options, you can either come with me nicely and we'll treat you with respect or I can knock you all unconscious and force you tell us everything we want to know. S.H.I.E.L.D has no problem with causing you pain and if you die, that's your problem, capiche?"

We need to do as these people say, until we understand what's going on.

"No one going to respond to me? Who's in charge?" The robot glances around at everyone and by the robot's reaction I'd say it was following where all of their eyes were leading to, me, it approaches me "You?" I manage a grunt "Not very talkative are you?"

How do I get across that I can't talk?

I pick up my breathing and do everything I can to move, without luck, the robot tilts its head to one side and follows the wires in my body to the back of me, I hear a click and let out a breath, my feelings return to my body, I clench and unclench my stiff fists a few times "Thank you, I couldn't move or talk." My voice comes out a little scratchy, I clear my throat "Sure thing." The robot walks back to my front "So, you're in charge?" "Yes, this is my team." "Who are you and your team?" "We're known as the Avengers, I'm Captain America." The robot seems to laugh.

Is there a person in there or is it just a robot?

"You're not the Avengers you doof! The Avengers would never dress as brightly as you lot, you look like a circus!" "2 men were in this room earlier, they came in with a camera and went over to my teammate, Hawkeye." I look over at Barton, the robot walks over to him and goes around the back of him, Barton lets out a breath "Name?" "Clint Barton." "What's your middle name?" Barton groans "Francis." The robot starts laughing again "Okay, that's weird, you have his name, his codename, his face. His hair's a bit different, are you an archer?" "That's right." "And you're deaf?" "No." "Oh, okay, so you're similar but not the same, interesting, very interesting..."

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