After lunch I decided to go and work out hoping that would distract my mind for a little while anyway, I have been working out for at least two hours now when I saw my mom at the doorway just watching me softly smiling, I stopped my push up mid through and stood up facing my mom returning her soft smile this is the first time she approached me or talked to me one on one, lately she only talked to me in front of my father or my sister. "You okay mom?" I asked her softly seeing the look in her eye "Uh-yeah I just got in" she softly informed as she walked over to the bench and sat down sighing "What's wrong?" I asked her going over and sitting down beside her. "I saw Kailey" she softly told me at that my body tensed "W-wh-what?" I stuttered out "When I left that's where I went and I saw her and spoke to her" she stated then sighed "Ho-how is she?" I asked her, Kailey's beautiful face coming to my mind
"She says she's fine but she doesn't look fine" she sighed out making my heart twinge in pain. "I want to see her so bad mom" I sighed out at her feeling my eyes water, "Oh my baby, I know you do" My mom sighed out as she rubbed my back "I won't say what was said but I think I did get through to her but I can't or don't want to promise anything" she informed me "Thank you mom" I sighed softly smiling at her "I am really sorry for everything, disappointing you, your past and the things you went through, forcing those memories back up, I honestly am sorry mom I never intended too and won't let it happen again," I added "I know you are sweetie" she smiled at me "You remind me so much of your father" she chuckled out pulling a chuckle out of me, I was just about to responded to her but when I looked up at her I noticed Adam standing at the door looking very nervous and concern.. "Adam what's up?" I greeted him as he quickly made his way over to me and my mother "Beta Jeff is here and let's just say he's not pleased" Adam informed me looking abit worried and that's weird for Adam "Where is he?" My mother asked standing beside me "In the office with your father" Adam informed me then the three of us made our way to the office again.

"Son, caution" My father warned me as we entered the office Jeff locking his eyes on me "Hey, what's going on Jeff?" I asked him "It's not Jeff right now" He gritted out "but you tell me?" He darkly chuckled great his wolf took over, "I already told you all I know, we were talking-" I started but his snarl cut me off this wolf has big balls, "I'm not talking about that" He growled out "I understand that she is your sister and everything but let me remind you who I am and where you are standing at this moment and to re-think your tone" I reminded him and with that I see him take a look around then sigh.  "Look I don't mean disrespect but right now with how bad my anger is flowing I can not help it" He gritted out at the end "Well talk to me, what's going on?" I asked him, "You act like you have no idea" J's wolf chuckled darkly pacing back and forth in front of my desk "I informed you of everything I knew on the phone to you, if anything happened after that I have no idea about it" I informed him carefully "No idea eh?" he chuckled out as he fished out his cell phone from his pocket "Then explain this" He snarled at me and threw his phone at me.

I looked at his cellphone my eyes going wide, it was a picture of me and Brittany kissing..."How did you get this?" I asked him as I looked up at him
"That shouldn't matter" he stated breathing heavy still "But if you REALLY want to know I sent it to myself off of Kailey's phone after I found her unconscious" he added growling at the end "she's okay now but this was sent straight to her" he added "FUCK" I exclaimed handing Jeff back his phone
"Still wonder why she won't see you or talk to you?" He snarled at me "I know that looks bad Jeff but give me two minutes and I can replay it for you to see it, that's not how it looks like" I stated to him almost pleading "Why should I believe anything you say?" He asked me "Like you said so yourself the picture does look bad" Jeff shrugged out "Yes I know it does, but come on Jeff you may not know me for long and I know I have made a mistake before but I have owned up to it and admitted that I fucked up" I pointed out "I may fuck up sometimes, everyone does but one thing I know for a certain is I can't or wont touch another female that is not my mate trust me I turned a lot of females down because of it" I added nothing but clear honesty in my voice "So wait- your a virgin?" He asked me shocked clear on his face "Not that it is any of your business but yes I waited for my mate" I stated proudness clear in my voice "Don't get me wrong I still watch porn and shit but I will not touch another female that is not my mate" I added "Believe him Jeff, he's telling you the truth and Ant always owns up when he knows he fucked up" Adam chirped in "If I did that I would admit to it but I won't because I didn't" I stated to Jeff
"Show me" He stated after a few minutes of silence, "Show you what?" Adam asked him confused "Not you, Ant" He sighed out "Replay it for me" he added looking at me, I stared Jeff in the eye so I can replay it in his mind for him exactly what happened and how it happened.

He saw the argument between me and my parents then me walking up the stairs to my room, Brittany leaning against my door he clear as day heard me tell her to move and whatever else I said then he saw it Brittany quickly leaning in and kissing me then me quickly pulling away and giving her complete crap for it and heard me threaten to kick her out of the pack, he saw and heard everything. "See" I sighed out when the replay was done
"Well as you clearly saw someone else was there and captured a picture of it because it was sent to Lynn's phone the night you two first got into the argument" Jeff reminded me of the photo "I need to fix this" I groaned out myself starting to pace thinking of ways to fix this "You need to replay it for Lynn" Jeff stated "Oh yeah? how would you like me to do that huh? she doesn't answer my calls or texts, she wont see me in person or let me see her at all at that matter" I reminded him still pacing back and forth.  "Well for starters since she won't see you we would need to figure out who took the picture I can take her or him but I have a feeling it's a her to Kailey and use my beta voice to make her come clean about it" Adam suggested "Most likely would be that girl that always follow Brittany around, what's her name again?" I asked Adam "Doesn't it start with a R?" He stated, "I want to say Rose" I responded
"Yeah it was Rose" He agreed "Whatever you do, do it and do it fast because I really hate and really angers me and Max to see her crying and upset like that" Jeff stated then left my office, "I need to fix this" I sighed out at Adam and my parents "We have a long night ahead of us" My mom sighed then we all sat down around my desk.

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