chapter eight

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            Another beautiful but boring day comes , as it has been a week since I started my meetings with Dr. Jo .. Although there is no improvement in me , I mean I still feel that stupid wicked demon fluttering around 'did you just said wicked that I'm  , love!?'.. but I stopped talking to him since then .. trying to convince myself and my family that I'm getting better , -But I !?- my mind wondering. It was before dinner, and I sat on the door's sill , watching people walking by .. " Hazel honey!" Mom called from the kitchen, " yes Mom!" I answered and went to her.
              A delicious smell of (gingerbread) filled my nose as I inhaled deeply , and mom chuckled "here .. taste it" mom said as she hand me a piece of that delicious cake " Ammm! It's sooo good mom , I want more " I exclaimed and she laughed again , and shook her head "it's for our new neighbor honey, and you to take it to them .. Okay!?" Mom said while taking another tray out of the oven "Mooom! They do not deserve it " I protested , and mom turned to me , "honey! Not only because their son is bothering you means they are bad! .. and you are taking this to their home . Okay .. no objects" she said cutting me off , 'just eat it at the door and tell her you delivered it' ,I really thought about that .. but I don't lie ,  I sniffled angrily "fine" I said shortly.

             I took the gingerbread to Willy's home as I stood infront of the door hesitantly whether to knocked or not 'of course not!', I smirked to the demon and knocked thrice , 4 seconds and the door cracked open, "Hazed! .. what a nice unexpected visit" Of course a stupid Willy said " I see your ass is stuck near your Mamy .. you beefy Billy pig!" I said with a big smirk ,'I love you when you do that' , the demon chuckled,  and Will narrowed his eyes at me. "Willy ! Who is there" a woman's voice from behind him "Hey!.. Amm!.. Look ..  Let's stop fighting for nothing .. just for awhile.. take a ^truce^ .. okay .. because I'm really getting sick of those nicknames you keeps calling me with" I can't believe he just said that 'do not accept that truce' who asked you.
   "Oh!.. Don't you like them!?" I said Sarcastically ,  and he just rolled his eyes "okay! .. a truce , I don't mind .. if you to stop calling me Hazed!?" I said with hand on my hip " ok then .. friends!??" As he offered me his hand" ok, friends" and I shake it , " So! Where do you spend your time when you feel bored!? .. actually I got a deprivation from school for two weeks .. and I started getting bored now!" He said taking the tray from me " Willy!.. what's taking so long" the woman again ," Ooh! Mom it's Hazel , Mrs Houston's daughter .." He shouted back to his mom.
                " not much .. I visit my friends,  go to the beach, drawing, or sing in the bathroom" I said , and he chuckled 'Hazel! Just get the Hell back home' .."okay , that seems more boring! .. what about me taking you in small drive tomorrow after dinner , just as a good intention for our truce!??" He said, tucking his free hand in his pocket 'don't dare agree!' -who cares about your opinion -.."OK! .. why not .. then till tomorrow " I said shortly and stepped back "okay pretty! .. see you " then he went in 'you will regret that'.
          The next day went as usual, and after dinner I prepared myself a little and told mom that I'm going with Willy 'you don't have to do that' ignored .. she looked surprised at first then agreed. And when I went out I found Willy waiting for me , leaning against a bike ,"No way!" I said objectedly , and he chuckled "Come on scaredy cat .. it will be sooo fun" He said flinging his leg over the bike 'it's dangerous, don't follow this crazy ox',.. " look ,I've never rode on one before .. and I have no intention to die today " I said looking between him and the bike "don't be such a coward " He said crossing hi arms over his chest. " I'm not a coward .. it's just that .. I' It's.. Amm .. Ooh fine .. Let's go, but if I died .. I'll kill you" I warned and he laughed.
           I sat behind him , and held him tightly , as the engine started roaring under us .. when it suddenly moved ,I flinched and held on to him even tighter. The air kept flipping my hair in every direction as we were getting farther into the street .. then we stopped infront of a nightclub and he switched the engine off , and we got down .. I was still feeling my body vibrating from the roaring engine.'No Way!!' , "Seriously!?" I said and he smirked .. "don't worry, We are not here to drink .. just to have fun and show you an old habit of mine "He said 'HAZEL! You know this man is insane .. so stop' Lucian said and I hesitated first .., then Wil walked in and I followed him eagerly.

           In the bar the sound of the music was impossibly loud "what are you looking for??" I shouted all I could for him to here me, but he just gestured for me to follow .. as  he chose a far table .. in a corner from which you can see the hole surrounding we finally sat there. "I used to go to bars with my friends back in San Francisco, and just set and comment on people how they look and what they're doing .. it's quite fun , btelive me" He shouted with a big grain, and I giggled "that is the most idiotic thing I've ever heard" I shouted back to him.
               "Oh! Here we go , look at that lady in the short red dress with a curly hair ... she just broke up with her boyfriend, so she's here to hunt a guy , but the one she's trying to seduce will give her no shit .., obviously he prefer  young ladies.." He said ,and pulled his mouth in a disgusting way .. and I giggled "Oh! Look at that one , in the bar table! ,wearing a light blue T shirt and black pants , he is gay and he seems like he misses his companion ..and now he is fascinated by that tough looking man in the far right table .. oh! , he ordered him a drink!! .. if the gay did his move and asked that huge man , he will get in troubles ,just watch .."Willy said.
             And I watched as the cup man took the drink for the tough looks man , then the gay guy made his move towards the man .. he stopped by him and was now telling him something while playing with the collar of the man's shirt .. one second and the man stood up promptly, and punched the gay guy on his face , and we both burst into laughter, till my eyes watered "how the Hell did you know that!?? ,you were right" I said between laughter "let's say it's a TIP , and I can't avows you my secrets "He said with a wink , and I giggled again, as he continued gossiping on people and copy there acts and I felt my cheeks ache from all the laughs.
              After about 2 hours, he drove me home , "No doubt your teacher fired you from school .. you are crazy!" I said playfully while getting off the bike "I just shattered the manager's car windshield .. it's not a big deal" He said throwing his hands in the air and knitting his thick brows together, and I laughed again "okay okay , it's really not a big deal .. so thank you for the night and see you again" I gave him a teethly smile , and he waved me goodbye.

Me and Willy started to be close each time we spend it together .. 'that won't last for long' disturbing Lucian said, -Ooh! .. God please! just kill this Lucian- my mind said as always .. "Hazel! Come down kid! You gonna be late for your meeting! " it was Dad from downstairs, "coming Dad" I called back .. as my phone rings "Hello! " I answered, " hey Hazed ! .. how are you this morning!? .. and what plans you have for today??" It was Willy sounds excited , 'tell him you are busy; don't go with that idiot ' the demon -who is the idiot- my mind said Sarcastically , "Hi Billy! .. not much , I just have my appointment  with your uncle " I exclaimed ,
'you better stay away from that nasty ' the demon said , "well , then I will come and get you from there, after you finish .. I have a good movie wants you to watched with me .. if you don't mind!?" He said from the other end of the line , " sounds great! ,see you then " I said then the call end,'if you wonna just hungout! I'm here' Lucian said, -Ooh thanks .. but I don't wonna spend any time with some freak ugliest demon- as I smirked, 'why always people think about demon as ugly ,  dark and evil .. well we are evil kinda but not even close to be ugly , or live in darkness and disgust' He said sadly , and I just smirked at him and ignored it.

         Then get down and into the kitchen found Mom, and Dad ,Seth has left early today , as we ate our breakfast and I kissed mom goodbye.  In our way Dad start asking me about how I feel, and if I getting better!? .. and of course I lied , "kid! .. don't lie to me, if you don't feel better we can find another Doctor! " Dad knew that I was laying to him .. after all he is my father "No dad , no need I'm good I swear " I said quietly,'bad lier' my biggest problem said,  and Dad just gave me a worried node , then we were there.

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