Small Signs

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Arthur, the new Queen of Spadia, noticed the knight first. The man was a shadow, never spoke, yet stood guard slightly behind the thrones. None of the servants seemed to notice the strange knight. When he asked the Jack about the knight that silently followed them to every destination and stood guard outside his room, Yao was at a loss. The Queen was determined to find an answer about the knight.
The first thing Arthur noticed was that the knight never slept. He had ordered the knight to sleep and Yao ordered the knight to eat. The shock from the knight was a strange stiffening that caused the visor to be at an angle that revealed strangely blue eyes that were widened in shock and had the deepest bags that the two had ever seen. When had the knight last slept? They watched from a distance as the mysterious knight only retrieved an old, stale loaf of bread and retreat to the oldest section of the castle to rest. The room that the knight had entered was smaller than a closet. Dust covered the floor and the remains of what must have been a mat that the knight was sleeping on. The knight hadn't removed the armor, not a single piece, as he slept on the cold stone floor. Arthur didn't like how the knight seemed happy with his lot in life. The loyalty of the Black Knight should be rewarded and the person behind the armor should be allowed to live a life without being starved.

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