"I am happy. You want me to get used to being around him so I'm going to try."

"Thank you."

"It's no problem."

We both stayed quiet the rest of the way to my house which wasn't very long. He pulled into my driveway and I didn't see my mom's car. I mean I knew she wouldn't be here since she left last night. We walked inside before I walked back to the kitchen. I know that Niall is hungry. He always is after school. I heard him following me. He walked over, sitting down at the counter. I grabbed a pizza from the freezer putting it in the oven. I walked over, sitting next to him. He asked, "Has anything been going on with you and Louis?"

"Nothing really. I mean we have our fights but we get over them."

"So things are good?"

I nodded, "Yeah."

"That's good. Has anything else been going on?"

"Yesterday I told my mom about Louis and I."

He looked surprised, "Really? Did you tell her everything?"

"Kind of. I told her that I'm seeing Louis but I said that he was 19 instead of 21 and that he's in college."

I looked up at him as he nodded, "I guess that's a good thing. So, she's okay with that for right now?"

"Yes, it helps a little bit."

"Is something else going on?"

I should probably tell him about my parents divorce. He's been around since before they started fighting like they were. I usually tell him everything too. Well not lately. He doesn't need to know everything going on between Louis and I. I'm sure Louis wouldn't exactly like that but neither do I. Somethings do deserve to stay between us. I sighed, "Yesterday my mom told me that her and my dad are getting a divorce."

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah. She told me yesterday after I told her about Louis and I."

"Is it because they were fighting a lot?"

"Kind of. My dad was seeing someone else."

He hugged me, "I'm so sorry, Allison.''

"It's fine. I guess I should have seen it coming."

He pulled away, "Are you sure you're fine with it?''

"Yeah. I mean I hardly saw my dad as it was and there was always fighting."

"Does Louis know?"

I nodded, "I told him last night. He's help distract me from it since I asked him to."

"That's good."

I mean I know Louis distracted me from everything but I like the way that he did. I never thought that I would but I guess it's because I love him. I only want things like that to happen with him. I want him to be the only one. I just have a feeling that it's going to stay that way. My thoughts were interrupted when I started to smell the pizza. I got up, taking it out of the oven. I set it on the counter and cut it. Niall already had the plates out when I was done and he handed me one. I smiled, "Thank you."

"It's no problem."

I grabbed a couple pieces before moving out of the way so Niall could get his. I mumbled, "Do you want to watch 'friends' in the living room while we eat?"

He smiled, ''Sure."

I walked into the living room, sitting down. I grabbed the remote, turning on the TV. I started eating as Niall walked in, sitting down next to me. I noticed him smile, "It's nice doing this. It feels like it's been awhile since we've done this."

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