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This book might not seem like much, but I promise, if you read to the end, you'll like it because as I write more and more, I'll get better and better, and you'll enjoy more and more. I'm not going to say how much, because I don't know how to rate enjoyment of something. Enjoy.

( You may skip this part of the book because some may feel that Thantanos is a character that does not need a introduction. So if you want to, you can)

Hi, my name is Thantanos.

I know what your thinking, weird name right? But we don't chose our names in this world. Then there would be a lot less people in the world named John, and a lot more named McShizille man.

Sorry, drifted of target there. Down to the main point of this intro, me. As you already know, my name is Thantanos, but some things you probably don't know is that I have premature white hair, warm icy blue eyes, (I don't get it either, but that's what it's called) but eyes are not the windows to the soul. Actually, yes they are. Ugh, why is there such things as windows to the soul? It makes life so much more disappointing at times, and more promising at other's. Also, it's creepy when fortune tellers say " I'm looking into your soul" as if they can actually. Sorry, drifted off topic there again, got to stop doing that. Anyway, if you do know that about me, I probably met you or your my grandmother and grandfather. Ouch Francois, stop pinching me, it hurts! Désolé, j'ai oublié de parle a propos toi. Yes, I'm bilingual, and also yes, that annoying thing that will not stop pinching also has a name, Francois. He also has a last name that literally translates into English, it would be " From-the-butter", therefore his full name would be Francois Delabuerre. So naturally, I would make a joke about his parents who should have named him Toast. He is my best friend which goes to show that I really need new friends. OUCH ^*/$/:÷# /$:=#:$/$#" $;÷:= $/^$ FRANÇOIS! !!!!! CAN'T YOU TAKE A JOKE!!!! BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT THAT WAS! A JOKE!!!!!! Okay, that was a little much. But seriously, fudge and chicken nuggets, that hurt. Now, my life started getting really weird around a month ago. Do you want to know how? Well dear reader, you are about to find out. Do you need to go to the washroom. Yes? Well hold it in!! Nah, I'm just kidding. Go if you need to, then come back for the whole story. Because if you go pee in the toilet of your bathroom, in the middle of my story, people who hear this will say, "oh this story makes you pee". Well, then, just go.

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