Reborn Part 2

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Francois's POV

I plopped my head down on the pillow and sighed inwardly. No way I'm related to that thing I thought to myself. But even so, he said we share a mother. He might know something I don't. I have to find him again. I prop myself up on my elbows. I was in a small room with white-washed walls and ceiling. The floor was black laminate. Suddenly, the room flickered. I blinked. Then I saw it flicker again, this time showing Thantanos's face.

"Francois, wake up" he said urgently. "Wake UP."

Suddenly, my face lurched back like I'd been slapped. The room disappeared, and was replaced by the ROM's ceiling, mostly covered though by Thantanos's face. Immediately, I slapped him. Hard.

"What was that for?!?" He demanded, infuriated.

"For slapping me!"

"I had to get you up!"

"Why?" I asked.

He sighed. "Just look around you."

I groaned. "Alright, but this better be for a good reason." I looked up and gasped.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure this is a good reason. But that's just my opinion" he said sarcastically.

We were surrounded by a S.W.A.T squadron. And they were pointing their guns straight at me and Thantanos.

Rosemary's POV

"Tony?" I asked.

"Me?" He responded.

My hopes fell. "You don't remember me?" I asked, hopes shattered.

"Should I?" He inquired.


"What's your name?"


"Hmmm... nope, doesn't ring a bell." he said. Dusting himself off, he stood up.

"Are you new here?" he asked.

"Where's here?"

He stared at me disbelievingly. "What do ya mean? No one comes here and doesn't know. It just doesn't work that way."

"So where am I then?"

"Nowhere and everywhere."

I snorted. "Well thanks that cleared it up." I said sarcastically.

He seemed annoyed. "Okay then, glad I could help." He said, equally as sarcastic. He walked off briskly, with an annoyed air to him.

Suddenly, I started to cry. At first it was just a little bit. But then the mental dam broke and I started to snob. He was just as I remembered him.

Thantanos's POV

I slapped her lightly on her face. She still didn't wake up. One of the S.W.A.T team members called out in a gruff voice, "If she doesn't wake up in 5 minutes, we're going to take you guys back to the station."

I whispered to Francois, "What do we do?"

"You could kiss her?" he suggested.

I punched him in the arm. "That only works in fairy tales!"

"Well have you got a better idea?"

"No, but I'm not kissing her!"

Suddenly, she started to cry.

"What did you do?"

"I didn't do anything"

"Then you better check your breath, because it better be fresh."

"I'm not kissing her!"

"What?" said somebody. It sounded like a girl. Oh fudge. Dreading the worst, I look down and I see that Rosemary has woken up.

"You wanted to kiss me?"

"NO!! It's Francois's idea" I said a little too quickly.

"Sorry! These guys would have taken us to their place if you didn't wake up, we had to try something."

"Who's-" she cut her sentence short when she saw who "these guys" were. She laughed nervously. "Who're your friends? Care to introduce me?"

"Okay. Rosemary, S.W.A.T squad, S.W.A.T squad, Rosemary."

Suddenly an S.W.A.T team member yelled, "Okay, I've had enough. Take these delinquents back to the station pronto. We'll take care this-" he said motioning to the hall, "later. GO!" Immediately, in almost a robotic-like fashion, we were swept up by the S.W.A.T team. The team started to take us down the hall. I tried to get away. I squirmed and turned and twisted, but I couldn't get away. We were tossed into the back of an armored car. I grunted at the impact of the fall. The doors slammed shut. Then I was greeted by darkness.

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