Poem 1- Stars

212 29 53

When most see stars, pretty is all they see

But the stars aren't pretty, at least not to me

For even though they set him free,

Those stars took my Daddy away from me

I remember before he saw that star,

He was always tired before that star

But at least he always made time for me

But now he rarely does since the stars have set him free

I remember before that star

He could always sleep before that star

But now he lies awake

Contemplating that wish that the star failed to grant

I remember before the star caught his eye,

He would always comfort me when I had to cry

But now he barely even notices me

So I'm left, all alone, with my misery

The stars took him, they took my Daddy

He can no longer distinguish dreams from reality

As much as I loved to wish on them,

Now those stars, I don't really care for them.

Daddy's gone now, he's left for good

He wanted to have something that he never could

dreaming's not bad, but Daddy took it too far

all because of those goshdarn stars

He wished upon it and thought it whispered back

and when his wish didn't come he took it as an attack.

I know I still have Momma but I still feel alone

cause my Daddy, though he's here,

 he isn't coming home

Yet part of me still waits for the day,

when he'll turn to the star and say

"I didn't get what I wanted, but that's ok"

Then, together at last, we would go play

But I know it's not gonna turn out that way.

I still don't see the stars that pretty

Whether from the mountains or from the big city

I know this won't work, but nothing else has 

So I'm thinking maybe just maybe.....



First star I see.

Will you please

Pretty Please

Give my Daddy back to me?

-Wow this was sadder than I intended, hopefully the next one will be less. Thx for reading! Update: 

Poetry by the One and Only Wonko MeWhere stories live. Discover now