I turned around and ran outside towards the water. Of course I didn't get far without Ashton behind me. Was he really leaving me? How could he do this, did I mean nothing to him? The rain was soaking me by the time I reached the sand but I was not letting it stop me.

"Luke please!" Ashton sobbed and I whipped my body around to look at him.

"How could you want to leave?" I shouted and Ashton backed up from my words.

"I don't want to Luke, I need to." He said weakly. We were both soaked from the rain but it was difficult I tell apart the wetness on my cheeks from rain or tears.

"Are we nothing Ashton? Was all of this a joke?" I spat and Ashton's eyes looked up to me sadly.

"No of course not Luke!" His voice finally raised at me.

"Then how are you so fucking fine?" I shouted and tugged on my hair.

"I'm not fine Luke! I don't want to leave you but this is an opportunity of a lifetime!" He said and I looked away from him. I turned back towards the water. I couldn't look in his hazel eyes right now and pretend like this was all okay. I couldn't be without Ashton, not now.

"How long?" I squeaked.

"2 years." He said and a sob took me over.

"You are leaving me for that long and you couldn't tell me?" I screamed through my tears and through the rain. Ashton closed his eyes tightly as more tears escaped his eyes.

"I'm sorry! I didn't want it to be like this! I thought you'd be happy for me." He said and I swear my heart broke in that moment. I had felt that familiar pain in my chest so many times but this time I was positive this is what a broken heart felt like. I ran a shaking hand through my soaked hair and let out a small cry.

"What about all the dreams? All the wishes we made?" I sobbed and Ashton looked up to the sky then back to me.

"They all matter to me Luke. You matter to me." He said and wiped his face. I walked over to a nearby log and slumped down on it.

"Why is this so easy for you?" I said softly and Ashton whimpered.

"You think it's easy leaving the love of my fucking life behind?" He croaked and I looked over to him. I can't believe this is all happening to me. With one last sob I crashed my body into Ashton's with my hands gripping him tightly like he was disappearing right now.

"I can't believe you're leaving." I whispered with a cracking voice.

"I'll be back before you know it." He said with a shaking voice of his own.

"This is a dream, it has to be because I can't imagine my world without seeing you everyday." I whimpered and Ashton pulled back to look at me.

"I meant what I said about loving you always Luke. I may be thousands of miles away but I'm always with you. This is something I have to do okay?" He rambled on and reached out to touch my cheek.

"Okay." I whispered barely audible.

"Can I promise you something?" He said and I nodded slowly. "I promise you, that I will be back for your graduation. I promise that I will always think of you when I'm alone and when I'm not. I promise you that no matter where I am in this world Luke Hemmings, you will be the one I am in love with." His accent cut through the drizzling rain and I nodded.

"When do you leave?" I asked the question that was burning on my tongue.

"The middle of June." He sighed.

"So soon?" I sobbed and he nodded with his head falling down.

"We still have time." He assured me with a sniffle.

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