The Old and the New

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OMG, I was gone at Yellowstone and plus school starting?! Zoinks! Sorry, I haven't had enough time to type! But now, da da! I did tonight! Thank you all for being patient with me...or not...and you all deserve internet hugs and a hot tub with your favorite food around you in a buffet! Yup...anyways, hope you enjoy!

P.S. PLEASE FORGIVE MEH!!!! :) :( :/ ((Whatever face I should put there.))


"Well hello there, Angel!" he chuckled, "You have survived and so have the others. Too bad for Jim and my robot. He doesn't like being thrown off cliffs or into the sky to explode. But here is your next clue."

I took note of the date and time at the bottom and wrote it down separately as well.

"The next event will be of no pain, no gain. But these people lived so long they don't exactly feel it by being numb already-" Rude! "-And...Oh! Fresh pine needle candle scents! My favorite!" he suddenly grabbed something and sniffed it, sighing in satisfaction.

"Also, this is located where the most dangerous area in the world is and is sort of near your location." he chuckled.

"Good luck, little Angel."

"May the best win." we said at the same time and I took it out after the last of the text popped up.

You are plain ___ ___

Two more words, two more clues after this one. The answer to my question, "What do you want with me?" still hung in the air thick and annoying.

I quickly pulled out the flash drive at the last second and put it to the side, looking at the bulletin boards. I grabbed red tape, a map of the world, and took notes and started to use pins and start putting up the notes and writing things down, using the tape.

After an hour, I made a map with all sorts of red tape all over and notes, sitting Indian styled on the floor and my eyes closed, hands on shins as I tried to concentrate.

'...No pain, no gain.'

'...Feel numb already...'

'...Pine needle...'

'...Most dangerous area in the world...'

'...Near your location...'

"AH HA!!!" I screamed, jumping up with excited eyes. I realized that took me 45 minutes and I felt so dumb, but swore it felt like 10. I quickly scribbled down 'Pine Needle Nursing Homes, Gotham' and it popped up with the location and phone number. I wrote it down and figured by fast flight that I could get there in one day.

I sighed and put my head in my hands, hearing a knock outside. I froze and quickly shut the lights off and came out and shut the bookshelf and looked to see a shadow. I quietly stalked over and moved the curtain a little and spotted a certain red and blue spider. I opened the door for him and the wind blew the curtains up as he stepped inside. I just walked to my desk and put some notes down and saw how late it was, turning on a lamp.

"What? No hello or thank you?" was the first thing he said and that just about ticked me off.

"Thank you? Thank you?! I heard what you said and did from Angel and you think you deserve a thank you?!" I snarled at him, catching him off guard.


"Yeah, yeah, whatever! And all you do is poke in and leave! Then Peter I don't see anymore and Gwen...she's going on a year trip. A year. I'm starting to wonder why I got attached in the first place!" I ranted.


"And then I have to deal with almost dying and be stalked on now!"

"Rose, I-"

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