Sh*t Just Got Real

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I was awoken at normal times, before the sun rose. I got up and grabbed my bag and packed a water bottle, some money, and some food. I got on my outfit under skinny jeans, grey converse, and a purple and black t-shirt turtle neck top, not really hot and not exactly knitted. I left my hair down and put in my contacts and walked out the door to practice. I was still tired a nervous about the day before.

I was down a dark alley when I thought my sensitive ears heard something. I turned around just in time to see a shadow move on the brick wall...Spiderman?

"Um...Spiderman?" I asked softly. The shadow sighed and moved, walking out of the shadows to me. His tall form kind of scared me, so I backed away a bit.

"I met your best friend, Angel."

"U-uh...Really? What did she say?" I asked nervously.

"You are in danger after all. Look, I'm sorry if you are mad, I just want to help you."

"And why me? You have a whole city to protect! I'm not mad, Spiderman, I'm just in need of personal space because I know I will be okay." I explained. I turned and walked away and this time, he didn't stop me.

'Why me? Why me when he has a whole city?' I wondered. Something didn't seem right to me about that.

I walked to the carnival and the guards let me in and I walked to the tents where you get changed. I got into a short, strapless, silver dress with sequin filling up the whole dress of silver. A thin, sheer silver layer over it with thick tank top sleeves that keeps the dress up that went in a high-low fashion from the front it was high, up to where the sequin dress under it was, and the lower part went a bit past my knees. Silver ballet flats with silver ribbon tied around my legs and went a ways under the kneecap was tied, like a ballerina. I left my hair flowing out, but brushed it a bit. I had no make-up on or anything, but applied a mask that was a replica of the Phantom of the Opera's Mask with silver glitter detail that made swirls and patterns. I had my contacts in and had a silver glove on my right hand that went to my wrist that had the knuckles showing with a key hole on the back, while to one on the left had nothing, but covered my fingers and knuckles.

I walked out of the tent and saw the man who got me the job himself, Reese Anderson. He smiled and clapped as he noticed me.

"Here's the girl of honor!" he smiled and hugged me as I came over. He looked me over and smiled.

"Yup! She will do!"

I couldn't help but look over his shoulder and notice someone sitting in the bleachers with a camera. Peter?

"One second, please." Reese nodded as I walked to the bleachers and walked up and found Peter.

"Peter, what are you doing here?"

"I came to watch! I also need some pictures."

I sighed, but nodded and said, "At least get a front row view."

He smiled and nodded and took my hand, sending warm sparks up my arm, and led me down. He sat down and gestured me to walk. I nodded and went to Reese as he started to talk to me.

"Alright, you requested to do acrobatics and daredevil things...and some things with animals. Correct?"

I nodded and he smiled and handed me a list. My contact eyes scrolled through.


~Lion Taming/Animal Taming X

~Shark Tank

~Dolphins X

~Snake Charmer

~Elephant Rider


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