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(Depressing chapter)


I huffed as I stuck out my tongue in concentration and smiled as I finished my masterpiece, cupcakes. They were chocolate and vanilla and were both Fun-Fetti and were colorful. I added vanilla and chocolate frosting and some with sprinkles, some without. I smiled and put them in containers and walked out the door.

You see, my mom called and forced me to meet my neighbors. No, I didn't tell her about the incident. I only told her a lie that I accidentally got punched in a hall fight and it started to turn darker. It did turn darker, a purple shade almost. It was pretty light, but very noticeable.

I sighed and walked out the door and locked it and walked to the neighbors to my left. I realized there wasn't neighbors there, it was abandoned. I sighed and walked to the right with a nice house and knocked softly.

"Got it!" a woman called and opened it and smiled at me.

"H-hi, I'm Rose Gold. I'm your new neighbors." I said softly and she beamed.

"I'm May Parker! I live with my nephew, Peter."


"Peter! We have our new neighbor visiting!" she called and I walked in slyly and took in the nice home and she ushered me into the kitchen, fussing all over me.

"Where's your mom?" she asked.

"At work. She works in Oscorp. I'm a...I once was an assistant there and go there once in a while."

"Wait...to Dr. Gold?"

"Yeah, my uncle."

"Aw! Darling I am so sorry!" she hugged me and smelled of old fragrances like Elizabeth Taylor's Purple Eyes perfume or something. It was very comforting as I pulled away.

"Aw, thanks, but don't worry! I'm okay!"

Was I? Was I really? I don't really know anymore.

Some fast footsteps entered the kitchen and the one and only Peter Parker entered the kitchen.

"Aunt M-" he stopped and saw me and smiled slightly. "Hey, Rose."

"Hey, Peter." he greeted as he leaned on the doorway to look cool. I shook my head slightly and chuckled.

"Okay, want to stay for dinner?" May asked, looking hopeful.

"Uh, sure?" it was more of a question and she beamed.

"Oh! Could you help me dear?"

"Sure!" she smiled and we walked to the table and Peter followed as we sat down. I blushed a light shade of pink, as well as Peter. It was slightly...awkward.

"What about your father?" she asked and my smile slowly dropped and my contact eyes went to look at the ground.

"Oh dearie. I-I didn't me-"

"Don't worry about it. You didn't know." I quietly cut her off. Then she frowned and lifted my head and I tried not to look her in the eye to not see the contacts. She gasped and Peter looked a little wide eyed at me.

"Rose, what happened to your eye?"

"I tripped down the stairs," I lied. "I'm okay, though!" I assured them. Aunt May bought it. Peter? Not so much. He eyed me suspiciously, but dropped it...for now.

"Oh dear. Would you like an ice pack for that?"

"Oh, yes please." I had to look less suspicious and besides, it was still throbbing. She grabbed me one with a towel around it and I put it to my eye, helping May with some of the little things. I would set it down when it got too cold and helped out with other things. Peter helped as well and wouldn't stop looking over at me. Then I got a phone call in my pocket. It vibrated and I answered it as I set down some dishes.

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