Cameron Dallas and Nash Grier Imagines

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hello everyone! i have been reading fanfictions for a very long time and i wanted to get into it, so here i am writing stories for all you beautiful people. Comment what you think i'm not afraid to hear criticism. Thank you and enjoy! =)

~Nash Imagine~

You woke up to the sound of a text on your'e phone. It was from Nash, your boyfriend of 9 months. "Hey babe, up for a date today?" he asked with a winkie face. You smiled at the text because everything he writes you is just so cute. "Idk what do you have in mind?" you answer back. you heard the familar ring from the phone and you read Nashs' reply. " How bout i pick you up at 1 and it will be a suprise" he said. "Ok you said with a smiley face. it was already 11 o'clock so you took a quick shower, blow dried your hair, and applies light makeup, simce Nash hated it when you wore makeup. You picked out light jean shorts with a floral crop to and black vans to match. by the time you finished getting ready you checked your phone and saw that Nash texted you saying he was outside waiting. you checked yourself one more time before leaving, then ran downstairs and said goodbye to your mom. when you walked outside you were greeted by Nash with a red rose, aww thank you babe. Anything for you my princess he said while kissing you lightly and guiding you in the car. As Nash started the engine you asked where you two were going. "y/n its a suprise, i cant tell you" "Oh okay" you said while sighing.

About 10-15 minutes later you arrived at the secret spot. "Oh my gosh Nash!" you said with excitement. Nash took you to where you two first met, sunset ave in Cali, the most romantic beach spot there is. Nash got out a blanket and a basket with some food and drinks in it. "I just though we would have a nice pick-nic at the spot where i met you" he said. you walked down towards the water and set down the blanket. "Ahhh its so beautiful" you said "Yah, just like-

"Save it Grier" you said, before he could finish you planted a soft kiss on his lips, you two just layes there staring at the ocean. you played in the water chased eachother around, and just had a great time with each other. It was getting a little later in the day, about 6 or 7, and the sun was just starting to set. "Babe come here and watch the sunset with me" he patted a seat right next to him on the blanket, and you sat. "Wow, this is beautiful" you said. "yah, just like you" Nash said. you looked at him and he just stared at you with his big blue eyes. he leaned in a kissed you, not interupting him this time. "y/n" Nash said. "Yes?" you replied. "I love you so much" "I love you more" you said. Then you two just layed together watching to sun fall into night, never letting each other go.

okay so this was my first one, so sorry if it sucked, i promise there will be better ones in the future =)

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