Clyde X Taco

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Clyde staired at the taco. "Wow so.... beautiful.... so.... majestic...." Clyde says as he looks at the taco and complementing it. Clyde grabbed it when no one was looking. "Don't worry fine looking, you're safe with me." Clyde said as he complemented the taco again. "WHERE THE HELL IS MY TACO?!" A voice was heard at the distance. "Oh shoot! Gotta go!" Clyde said, running, while he was carrying the taco. "Were finally safe sexy" Clyde said as he was drooling over the taco. "HEY THAT'S MY TACO CLYDE!" Craig said as he saw Clyde with his taco. "NOOO IT'S MINE NOW" Clyde said as he ran again. "GET BACK HERE WITH MY TACO CLYDE!! THIS IS THE GODDAMN 5TH TIME ALREADY!" Craig said as he chased Clyde.

The End

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