<You have selected Mission Quests. Please select from the following:

Introduction to Mission Quests

Instictualisation of Mission Quests>

The writing in the air disappeared and when more didn't appear, Nicholas wondered if maybe he had chosen the wrong option afterall. No sooner had the thought occurred to him, then his vision went spotty and he found himself glad to still be sitting down. He better add that to his list of things about the system;

When     accessing any information from the system, make sure to be alone and     seated before making the selection.

<Mission Quests.

Mission quests are small tasks designed to facilitate the completion of the World Mission. This World has three tasks;

Save the Female Lead
Find true love
Change occupations

Completion of these tasks accelerates the completion of the World Mission; Save the Cannon Fodder Nicholas Kim.>

What kind of romance novel BS was this? Nicholas remembered teasing his mum about her addiction to Mills & Boon trashy romance novels and this sounded like it could have been taken out of any one of those stories. Save the female lead? What was he? A Knight In Shining Armour saving the Damsel In Distress from the Big Bad Mob Boss? And then theyd fall in love and ride off into the sunset to have lots of babies? He shuddered at the terrible cliché of it all. Nope. He'd find some way to complete the World Mission without finding himself living in story his mother would read. 

<Pause function deactivated. World Mission resuming>

In the blink of an eye sound poured into the changeroom as the world once more returned to normal.

"Nicky?" Louisa called again, her voice sounding slightly concerned at Nicholas' lack of a response. "Sweetie? You okay in there?"

"Of course I am. I'm just stunned speechless at my own good looks." Forcing cheer into his voice, Nicholas quickly wiped the last traces of tears off his cheeks and took a deep breath before dramatically flinging open the curtain and posing in the new shirt. "What do you think?"

The woman waiting outside took one look at Nicholas' face and dropped her bags on the ground. Not giving Nicholas a chance to protest she pushed him back into the changeroom and down onto the chair. Once he was seated, she parked herself on his knees and held his face with gentle hands.

"You're not okay. What happened? You were just trying on a shirt... how did that bring sadness to these gorgeous eyes?"

Said eyes met her own brown ones and Nicholas' found himself inexplicably blinking back tears— still emotionally fragile from the events that had really only happened approximately half an hour ago.

"I'll be okay. I'm just having a mood. Maybe it's that time of month?" He joked, trying to avoid a serious conversation. Louisa was smart though and saw right through the attempt.

"It can't be that time of month— best gal pals often sync their cycles and I'm not due so you're not due. What's really the matter?"

Nicholas sighed and closed his eyes. He couldn't keep making eye contact with Louisa if he wanted her to believe him. Thanks to the original's memories, he knew that the two of them had bemoaned getting older., and the original in particular had bemoaned getting older on his own.

"I look so damn hot you know... And for who?" When he opened his eyes Louisa was searching his face before finally accepting his excuse and slapping his shoulder.

The Harmony of the SpheresNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ