Chapter one.

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~ Andreya's pov. ~

First day of eighth grade. I wasn't really nervous at all, just really excited to see Brooklyn. We've been talking about this day half of the whole summer, and now it's here. Brooke and I planned on staying single until the second semester of school, which I think I could manage. I was planning on joining volleyball, tennis, cross country, track, softball, golf, and possibly soccer this year.

I walked into my first period class, and looked around for a seat. I spotted two of my very good friends, Lauren, and Jenna. Jenna waving at me, and Lauren patting a desk next to her, signaling for me to sit there. I swear those two girls have been best friends since before pre-k.

I sat, taking a look at all my classmates. They all seemed pretty cool. I wasn't disappointed.

I then saw, who I'm assuming is my teacher, walk to the front of the class.
"Alright, everyone! Settle down! I am going to call row. Say 'here' if I call out your name.

"Here." A light voice from the back of the class called out.


"Here!" A girl on the front of the class called out. She was wearing all black, with her hair brushed down, covering half of her face. Yet she was very energetic, which was odd.


"Here." I called out, slightly raising my hand.

Names and names after, she finished. Turns out, everyone was present.

"She forgot to call Gabriel." I heard Lauren whisper to Jenna and I.

"I think he moved schools, he isn't even here." Jenna said back.

Who even is Gabriel? I didn't even know there was a boy named Gabriel in our grade. Whatever.

That whole class period, Mrs.A just went over a couple of rules. We only have 80 minutes in each class. After the bell rang for second period, I went straight to the office to pick up my schedule. I had lost mine over the summer. I know, who would lose their schedule, right??

I waited at the office for about fifteen minutes. No one even showed up, so I decided to head to my current class, which I was very late for.

I walked into science, everyone looked at me, my whole face flushed red. I looked around for a seat, and saw an empty one near the front. Without looking at who was sitting next to me, I rushed to the seat and sat down.

Suddenly, the intercom came on.
"Good morning, students! I just wanted to thank Andreya D. For turning in a lost phone! I want everyone to see this action as an example of being responsible! So, once again, thank you miss Andreya!"

Oh no..
everyone in my class looked at me, either smirking, or giggling. I put my head down, and was as red as a tomato.

In the morning, I saw a random black phone lying on the floor. I picked it up, and took it to the office. How responsible of me.

A few minutes after calming down, I picked my head up, and looked beside me.
I saw a boy. A very, very, cute boy. He was writing something down in his journal.

Who is this? I didn't see him earlier in first period?
Then I saw his name on his paper.

Gabriel S.

This is the boy Lauren and Jenna were talking about! Woah. Didn't expect that.

I stared at him, before getting interrupted by Kevin.

"Andreya!" He whispered, in a yelling voice.

I quickly turned my head to him, red as always.

"Oooo, someone's gotta crush." He raised his eyebrows twice and smirked.

I rolled my eyes and ignored him, opening my journal, then began writing down everything on the board.


Lunch. Not the best part of the day, but it was.. something. More like nothing. My boy best friend, Ethan, sat with me.

"So," i began. "There's this boy in my class. His name is Gabriel. And wow. He's pretty good looking."

Ethan looked at me, with wide eyes.
"Gabriel? Gabriel S.?? That's my best friend! We've been friends since fourth grade!"

I shot him a glare and softly pushed him.
"Lies." I rolled my eyes.

Ethan groaned, "I'm being serious. But I'm telling you now, don't even bother getting with him."

"What?" I immediately looked at him.
"Why not?"

"He's never had a girlfriend, so don't get your hopes up. He's waiting to date till after high school." Ethan shrugged.

"Really?" I pouted and looked at my food. "Great, I have no chance with him. Ever."

"Ha." Ethan said, laughing a bit. Ugh. Him and his cute smile. I mean- yeah.


After I got home, I was actually proud of myself. This day didn't go as bad as expected.

I got out the shower, and threw on some clothes. As I was brushing my hair, my phone buzzed.

From: Ethan 👀💕

I picked my phone up and opened snapchat.

Hey Andy? I wanna tell you something.

ME |

Look, I like you. A lot. I know you like my best friend, but that doesn't change how I feel about you. I hope this doesn't affect our friendship.

ME |
Oh? It's okay. Nothing will change :). Also, I don't like Gabriel. I just think he's cute. I don't even know him.

Do you like me?

ME |
Uh. I'm not sure. You're my best friend.

Oh. Okay. Night.

Me |
See you tomorrow!



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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2018 ⏰

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