36. Familial Love

Start from the beginning

Stepping into the room Lucy could see her friend laying on his side keeping his back to the doorway. Thinking she might surprise Steve, Lucy crossed her arms and decided to imitate Bucky. "Steven Grant Rogers, how many times have I told you to stay out of fights? I oughta bust your chops."

The blond rolled onto his back finding relief in Lucy's presence. He attempted a smile considering the bruises and cuts tried to stop him. "Lu-"

"Oh, Steve." The brunette crossed the short distance from the door to the bed and sat beside her friend, gently placing a hand against his arm.

"Please don't say anything."

"Then what am I supposed to do?"


"Observe? Steve, you know I hate seeing you like this. It doesn't matter if you've gotten into a fight or if you've fallen ill. I don't want to observe. You're not a damn mural."

"No. But I'm a work in progress."

"A work in progress of getting into serious trouble. You're almost a danger to yourself, Steve Rogers."

Steve's voice was suddenly hushed. "But still a piece of art, doll. Each bruise or scrape is just another unfinished spot that needs painting."

"Unfinished spots which will continue needing painting if you keep up like this."

The blond let out a sigh before moving over, opening a space beside him. He patted the empty space, silently giving permission to his friend to lay beside him. So she did, moving to fill the empty space and laying beside Steve, not caring about wrinkling her dress or messing up her hair. But she was here for her friend, appearances didn't matter.

"Bucky said he did what he could," Lucy said trying to fill the silence.

"Which obviously wasn't much," Steve halfheartedly retorted.

"Do you need anything?"

"No, thanks. I'll be fine."

Another moment of silence filled the air.

Having turned onto her side, Lucy toyed with the very loose fabric of Steve's off-white shirt. "Steve?"


"You're something, you know that?"

The blond smiled. "I do. You tell me that a lot."

"Because I mean it, Steve. You're a very kind and handsome young man. You don't need to get into fights just to prove your self-worth." Lucy began slowly brushing at the hair which fell across Steve's forehead. The action was in its own way intimate. Lucy loved Steve but he was never sure in what way. In times where he would get caught in a fight, she'd talk to him as if he were a brother, much like Bucky. But in times like this it was as if there were something more.

And Steve loved her all the same.

Lucy began humming in a slow manner as she continued to brush at his hair. Steve knew what she was doing. It was the same routine she had always done in times like this or when he would get sick. It was the same routine his mother would do: try and lull him to sleep. It always seemed to work.

Steve's eyelids slowly became heavy. He didn't want to sleep. He wanted to do what he could to remain awake, to continue talking with his friend.



"You know..." No, he didn't want to sleep. "You're something, too. Something great. Like... a work of art."

"What kind of art?" Though Steve couldn't see it, he knew Lucy was smiling.

Before finally drifting off to sleep, Steve's words were quiet and almost missed. "A masterpiece."

Lucy remained silent, smile beginning to falter. Her action of brushing away Steve's hair slowly came to a stop, her dark eyes falling on his resting features. She wanted to cry. Her friend, Steve Rogers, the most innocent young man she knew thought of her, a broken young woman, to be a masterpiece. Even if he hadn't fallen asleep Lucy wouldn't think of what to say.

She pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek before removing herself from the bed, watching a soft smile pull at Steve's lips as she slowly closed the door, leaving to find Bucky.

"You're too kind, Lucy," Bucky's voice sounded from behind the young woman.

She gasped and turned to face her friend. "How long have you been there?"

Bucky smiled. "Long enough to know Steve practically declared his love for you... He'll probably forget when he wakes up. But as I said, you're too kind."

"He's my friend, James. I want to be there for him... always."

"I'm sure you will, Lu - till the end of the line."


Lucy quietly shut the door to the room occupied by Harley Keener, but not without a quick kiss to his forehead. She whispered a hushed 'I love you' knowing she would be gone before the boy had a chance to wake up. Part of her was glad Harley thought of her and Steve as family. It felt as though they were given a new sense of purpose, not just saving the world. Unofficially and unknowingly they were parents to this young boy, but it would be up to him to state so.

Lucy walked into the shared bedroom of her and Steve, finding him resting on the bed. She smiled to herself as she joined him, laying an arm across his stomach.

"How's Harley?" the Captain's voice inquired, turning his head to look at Lucy.

"He's doing okay... He doesn't want us to leave."

"I don't want to leave him either, but I don't think we have much of a choice."

Dark eyes met with light as Lucy looked up at Steve. "He said he loves me."

"Of course he does, Lu. You've already done so much for him. Besides, I love you too so I think the boy has a bit of competition." Lucy let out a gentle laugh, her expression beaming to Steve.

It didn't take long for her expression to become more serious yet still retain the smile. "Steve, I have a question."

"Go for it."

"Do you remember... back in thirty-seven, the day you got beaten up and James called me over to your house. When I was talking with you and when you were falling asleep we were talking about how together we're works of art... Do you remember what kind of art you considered me?"

Steve's eyes softened. He felt his love for the woman beside him grow even more than he thought it could. He had remembered that day, what he said. He remembered the kiss she left him. He remembered being too scared to ever act upon his feelings, not knowing how she had ever felt. He remembered thinking about what might've happened had he listened to Bucky and acted on his feelings; how things might've been different for their future.

No matter what, he remembers.

"A masterpiece." Lucy appeared shocked. She didn't think he would've remembered or was even aware of what he had said in the moment. "You're a masterpiece, Lucy Stark. And no matter what, I love you."

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