Entry 26 - "You're So Goddamn Confusing!"

Start from the beginning

Of course I felt the rejection, but I nodded anyways. What he said made sense. I wasn't a bit enough idiot to force anything on him after what he told me.

"And I know that I still have feelings for Joan. I dated her for three years, it's not like that just goes away."

That hurt worse than anything else he had said. I'd completely forgotten about her. What had it been...six months since we were married? Yes, that was probably too soon.

One of his hands moved from where it was pressed against my chest, to lift my chin that had dropped as this realization came upon me.

"But I wouldn't let you get this close just to repeat what you already know."

He was smiling ever so slightly, and that coupled with his hand on my chin, was enough to raise up just the smallest amount of hope in my heart.

"I'm saying that I might take this really really slow, but let's give this a try."

I couldn't believe my ears. Who was this, and what have you done to my Thomas?


I had to be sure. No way in hell was I going to let there be a misunderstanding about this.

"This. Us."

He gestured between us with the hand that had been on my chin. I missed it the moment it was gone, but he let it drop to his side instead.

"You better not be messing with me."

I warned, and he laughed.

"I'm not, I swear. But when I say slow, I mean slow, okay?"

The was just the hint of uncertainty in his eyes, and I knew that I was the one that should be reassuring him.

"I get it. Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere. I'm kind of stuck with you anyways, so take however long you need. But someday you'll get tired of just looking at these awesome lips, and that's what I'll be waiting for."

"And you just try and keep the drooling down to a minimum and I think we'll be good."


"I'm just saying that you tend to stare a lot, which—"

"Oh for God's sake! Just fuck already! You guys have been standing there making cow eyes at each other for hours."

Up until then I'd completely forgotten about Raymond. And I was quite content to forget about him.

"Son of a bitch."

Thomas was looking at me, eyebrows raised, and a very amused smile on his face.

"What are you looking at?"

"I just don't think I've ever heard you swear before."

"I'm 21 years old! I can swear if I want."

He put up his hands in defense, unable to contain his laugh any longer.

"You go right ahead. I'm not stopping you. But if you'll allow me," He put his hand in my shoulders, and turned me around to face Raymond. "I think that's the man you wanted to direct that at."

"How do you know that wasn't meant for you?"

"See you around, Alex."

He let go of my shoulders and turned to go inside, still laughing under his breath. As soon as the door closed behind him, Raymond spoke again.

"The sexual tension was so thick I could have cut it with a knife. What the hell is your guy's problem?"

"There's plenty wrong with us, but what's wrong with you? Do you realize that you just ruined probably the best moment I've ever had with him?"

He had the grace to look slightly guilty.

"Oops? Nobody told me."

"No one needs to tell you. Why don't we try something?"

"Okay." He looked suspicious, but probably realized that he should listen to me after what he just did.

"While you are staying at our place, why don't you try keeping your big mouth shut, and I might just be able to get my husband to kiss me. Sound good to you?"

"Damn, remind me to never piss you off again."

"You haven't answered my question."

"Yes it sounds good. Now cut me some slack. You'd have said the same thing in my position."

"Maybe, but probably not."

"I have to admit, you guys looked pretty cute together. Tell me if he ever come around to liking you. I'm definitely rooting for you."

"As nice as that is to know, don't think I'm letting you off easy because of that."

"I wouldn't dream of it. In fact, before you can yell at me anymore, I think this is a fine time for me to be on my way to my room."

And with that he hurried off, going through the same door Thomas had walked through a few minutes before.

And finally, I was left alone to daydream about everything that had just happened between Thomas and I.

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