Y/N 💖 9:51pm
Me neither

Y/N 💖 9:51pm
I've been craving another one of those kisses of yours 🙈

Dem 💜 9:51pm
Is that so?

Y/N 💖 9:51pm

Dem 💜 9:52pm
Well what can I say, I'm a great kisser😏

Y/N 💖 9:52pm
And there's my confident lil shit

Y/N 💖 9:52pm
But you're right, you definitely are and I'm gonna need some more please and thank you

Dem 💜 9:53pm
I'm all yours 😍

Y/N 💖 9:53pm
How do you still manage to make me blush through texts? I really don't get it

Dem 💜 9:53pm
My impact is incredible😂

Dem 💜 9:53pm
On a serious note though, how are you doing? I know the anniversary is tomorrow

Y/N 💖 9:54pm
You remembered

Dem 💜 9:54pm
Of course I did baby girl, I wish I could be there with you

Y/N 💖 9:54pm
Me too, but we'll see each other soon

Y/N 💖 9:55pm
And I'm alright, just trying to keep a brave face I guess

Dem 💜 9:55pm
Please don't feel you have to do that with me Y/N, your dad wouldn't want you to bottle everything up

Y/N 💖 9:56pm
I know, it's just easier that way.

Y/N 💖 9:57pm
I can't believe it's coming up 10 years since he died.

Dem 💜 9:57pm
I want you to cry if you need to cry, promise me that you'll let yourself feel?

Dem 💜 9:57pm
He would be so fucking proud of you Y/N, I wish I could have met the man who gave me you

Y/N 💖 9:58pm
Demi 😢

Dem 💜 9:58pm
I'm sorry, I don't want to overstep and I know we aren't official or anything

Dem 💜 9:58pm
I just hope that I'm someone your dad would be happy to have you be around

Y/N 💖 9:58pm
I can promise you that he would have adored you

Y/N 💖 9:58pm
You make me so happy, and that's all my dad would want

Dem 💜 9:59pm

Y/N 💖 9:59pm
Yes 100%

Y/N 💖 9:59pm
And I know it's a difficult subject for you, but I also wish I could experience the same. I know your dad is someone who holds a lot of painful memories, but part of me is thankful for him because he gave me YOU

Dem 💜 9:59pm
You're going to make me cry Y/N

Y/N 💖 10:00pm
A wise woman once told me to cry if I needed to you know

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