♥34♥ Because of you

Start from the beginning

Bakugou sighed and he took the tape from her hand. 

When the smoke finally cleared and everyone finally caught up, they saw Yuuki was no longer in her human form. 

Bakugou tiredly sat down and he looked at everyone with his annoyed expression. "The fuck you guys looking at?" 

Yuuki's clothings were on the ground and Bakugou picked up the honey badger and he carried her. Yuuki had passed out from exhaustion. He couldn't help but smile a little; now that she was like this, she really reminded him of his pet. She had turned into a honey badger because she had crossed her limit. "Idiot badger." The tape was loosely around his left wrist, but it still counted as a capture. 'You didn't truly catch me, I'll let you off this once since you've controlled the wolf.' He thought to himself. "Heh, do I take you to Recovery Girl or do I take you to the vet?" 

The others were glad to see they were okay in the end. Sero and Kaminari did question what Bakugou was doing with Yuuki before but the explosive boy remained silent about it. 

Watching from afar, Kirishima couldn't help but smile at the way Bakugou smiled while stroking Yuuki. "It should be like this..." 

"What was that, Kirishima?" Aizawa asked. 

"Nothing, Sensei." 

Aizawa sighed, "I don't care much about this drama you guys have around here, but don't go around doing things you will regret later." 

"Don't worry, Sensei. I never regret a thing!" 


Yuuki woke up to the sunset. She was still a honey badger and she had bandages on her arms and legs. 

"Did I see the vet or did I see Recovery Girl?" She asked no one this question because she was all alone in the nurse's office. 

"You saw Recovery Girl, you dumbass badger." Bakugou had been by her side this whole time.

"Just you?" She asked. 

He wanted to be alone with her so he told everyone to fuck off and threatened to cause an explosion if they did not leave the vicinity of U.A. He had been an ass to her for a good while so he thought he'd try and be nice to her. 

Yuuki smiled and she jumped away from the white bed and onto Bakugou's lap. She lazily rest herself on him and she let out a little yawn. 

"You lazy fat shit." 

"You're so mean!" She rolled over to her back and she started to scratch her stomach with the claws on her paws. "I like this form too, it's convenient! I can be in my birthday suit and no one will bat an eye!" 

"Just make sure you don't do this shit without clothes when you're back to normal. Are you ready to leave?" 

"Hey, hey, did I pass?" 

Bakugou made a 'hmph' noise and he crossed his arms, "I let you capture me. You did not capture me yourself. It's a 1000 years too early for you to successfully capture me!" 

"Yeah, yeah." 

"Tch. Let's go home, Yuuki." 

"Your home or my home?" 

"Which one do you want to go to?" 

"Let's go to your home tonight! I look like this right now, might as well make the best of it!" 

"...idiot." He picked her up and he started to carry her out. 

"Bakugou, where's my locket?!" 

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