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I haven't been feeling well for a few days and my parents are over the house to visit me as well as my friend Tammy. Today, I should have gone to work or at least called to let them know I wouldn't be able to make it. It was already after 10am, so I'm sure they know by now that I didn't pick up the kids. My school bus is sitting outside in front of my house where I parked it last Friday. I was feeling so badly, I couldn't drive it back to the lot. I know my boss is going to be angry with me for not calling out. Hell, they will probably fire me. My car is still at work, parked all weekend. I don't know where I put my phone.

"Mom, Dad, Tammy?" "I have to take the bus back to the lot and get my car. You want to ride with me?"

Everyone agrees to go for the ride.

We're driving down the road in the bus and I'm still feeling kind of weird. For some reason there are two gas pedals and on the brake pedal, there is a red bump on it, I guess for more stopping power? It almost seems as if I'm dreaming or something. So I pull over and tell my Mom about the pedals. "This is weird." I say and explain the pedal situation to my parents.

Laughing, my Mom says, "that's how they make the busses now days. But it's only one gas pedal. The other one doesn't do anything and the red bump on the brake is your emergency brake. How long have you been driving this bus?" She gives me this quizzical look like I should have already known this information. I really am feeling like I'm in a cloud or something. It's so weird.

Anyway, I get back out on the road. I really need to get this bus back and besides, I always feel kind of weird anyway.


I make a left onto Wide Rd that has 3 lanes. I'm in the far left lane and need to be in the middle in order to turn right onto Pine Street, so I put my right blinker on in order to get in the middle lane and make right at the next turn. I'm looking in the mirrors for clearance as I veer into the middle lane. I think I see a black shadow near the back tire and I try to look into a different mirror to see if I can see what it is. But I don't have time! Suddenly the bus flips over (double flip) twice and lands upside down. I didn't feel the bus hit anything! It seemed to flip in slow motions as I held my breath and let it out at the same time! I've never had an accident on a school bus before. This doesn't make any sense!  

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