Entering the living room I saw a few people leave to go home. One of the last few people left was Sarah. Her and Brendon got married not too long ago, and that's how I go to know Pete more. Me and Sarah had been Highschool friends, and when they got married we stopped hanging out so much. I'd go to bars just to pass the time and one day I actually met him in real life. I had had a celebrity crush on Pete Wentz for as long as I could remember and I thought I'd fallen in love. Brendon quickly found out who it was and told me all about him, wanting to hook us up. I don't know why he thought we'd hit it off? Sure thing he is attractive and I want to be in a relationship with him, but I don't think he likes this whole 'me taller than him' thing. He's a short dude though.

"Did you do it?" Sarah stretched her arms as she sat up. You could tell she had a hangover by the way we held her head.

"I called him this morning. I can't believe you talked me into this, we'll never have a thing if he finds out. Not to mention how much Brendon will hate me!" I dropped onto my couch by her. Slumping over the back with my arms limp by me sides. I will be in serious shit if he finds out.

"Just don't talk about it with anyone. You'll be fine. What did he say when you told him anyway?"

"He said it wasn't possible." I know he won't even care anyway. This doesn't change anything between us I bet. He'll just go on with his life, which I guess I don't blame him for. I can't be mad at him for not wanting to be with me.

"Well, you better make him believe its possible." She stood up laughing, abruptly stopping as she held her head. I hope that hurt her, Sarah Urie can get me into some serious problems some days and it will come back to haunt me soon. "Just play it cool Meagan and it will all be fine. But in the mean time I have to go home. Brendon is probably wondering where I am. I have to watch his stupid dog while he goes to the damn studio. Such a prick. I'm not even sure why you want a rock star honey?" The door slammed shut. I quickly cleaned up the last of the bottles.

Now it's time to go deal with this man in my bedroom.


Paige's POV

"What happened Pete?" Pulling the chair out from the table I sat down, holding his hands. My heart was racing even faster now. I can't believe I'm worrying about him now, just a second ago I accused him of cheating. What if this is something serious? "Babe, you're starting to scare me." I still managed to keep my nerves calm, but they were slowly slipping away. Every second that passed made my anxiety grow heavier. I could feel the weight crushing down on me and he still won't answer.

"Do you remember the day you surprised me one morning and we weren't alone?" I nodded, feeling my heart clench. "Well that girls name is Meagan. I had met her at a bar that night before. I was upset when you quickly left and I went and got drunk, like the stupid irrational person that I am." It was his turn this time to have tears stream down his face.

I wiped up the tears, cupping his face in my hand forcing him to look me in the eyes. "It will be okay, Peter Kingston Lewis Wentz III. We can get through anything together. Just tell me what it is."

He sighed one last time, holding back the tears, "She's pregnant."

My breathing got heavier and the tears were as free as ever. I could taste the salt catching on my lips. My vision was getting blurry and I couldn't feel gravity any longer. I shut my eyes tight and opened them again, repeating this motion a few times as the man in front of my patiently waited for a response. I didn't know how to respond to this information.

"Please say something. You're scaring me now." He grabbed my hand and I withdrew it from his grasp immediately. I know I said we could deal with anything, but I was not expecting this. I wasn't expecting anything like this.

"I thought we were going to have a family together?" That was all I could think to say. Thinking wasn't web apart of it, that was all my mouth would let me say. I tried to scream at him. I tried to curse out Meagan. But I couldn't do it.

"And we still will Paige," he grabbed me pulling me into a hug and this time I didn't fight back. "I'm not going to be in a relationship with her because of this. I'll take care of my responsibilities and pay, but I am not throwing what we have away because I made a stupid mistake. This is all my fault and I will deal with this."

"Okay." I nodded. I just wanted this conversation to get over with, so we could leave and get on a plane. I just wanted to leave this place behind and let them go on tour.

So that is exactly what we did. Me and Pete didn't talk about this for the rest of the day. I'm guessing he told the guys because they all came up and hugged me. I shook it off and laid down I a small sleeping compartment next to Pete's. I put in my headphones, no surprise I put all of Fall Out Boy's songs on shuffle.

Pete leaned over grabbing my hand and kissing my cheek. He walked off with the guys and I'm guessing they went to go practice the set some more.


Thank you guys for reading and voting, it means the world to me.

So how about Monumentour? Excited to get to know Paramore? Lol

More importantly, how about Meagan? She's back!


It's Hard To Say "I Do", When I Don'tOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora