Chapter 22

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"You absolutely can't date anyone!" Ayano saw Hanako walking in to school with Taeko, hearing what she was saying to her older sibling. She was angry, realising Hanako was trying to stop them dating anyone including Cupa. If that lead to rejection and her death, Ayano would never forgive her.
"You can't control who I date, Hanako." Taeko told her, continuing to walk. Neither of them knew Ayano was following and listening in to their conversation. Hanako pouted, clearly unhappy. Ayano knew she'd have to talk to her about this, not wanting to lose her cousin because of Hanako's selfishness. Her thoughts and stalking were interrupted by a voice.
"Ayano!" She turned around, seeing Cupa coming over to her supported by Oka. She was still pretty weak, and had taken to wearing a surgical mask over her face to prevent any flower petals being noticed by other students. Ayano ran over, helping Oka support Cupa as they took her into school. She didn't know why she insisted on coming in when she was this ill.
"You should've just stayed home." Ayano told her, sighing. They went over to a bench near the fountain, sitting down. Cupa looked down, fiddling with her skirt. She didn't like sitting around at home with nothing to do. It bored her.
"I just wanted to come in..." she sighed, choking up flower petals. She removed them from under her mask, throwing them into a nearby bush. Nobody would see them there. The other two girls watched, giving each other concerned looks. They were both worried about their friend.
"You should've stayed home. You're really not well." Oka told her softly. She put her arm around the smaller girl beside her and gently stroked her hair. Cupa sighed quietly, looking up at her.
"I just don't want to waste away in bed. I don't know if I'll be around much longer, and I want to live my life." Cupa explained to them. She didn't always enjoy a bed day, especially when they're as frequent as they have been for her. She just wanted to live her life to the fullest.

That cleaning time, Ayano managed to get an opportunity to speak to Hanako alone. They were both out by the incinerator, and the delinquents were nowhere in sight.
"I overheard you talking with Taeko this morning. Why don't you want her dating anyone?" Ayano asked quite bluntly. Hanako turned to look at her, not knowing what to say. She was concerned Ayano had been listening, but she was trapped in the incinerator area by Ayano. She was sure she wouldn't let her out until she had an answer.
"Because then Taeko won't have time for me. If they have a partner, we won't get to spend time together anymore!" Hanako told Ayano rather loudly, already getting worked up. Ayano sighed, knowing she had to calm Hanako down so she would listen to her. She didn't want to have to kill her, but if it came to it then so be it.
"I only ask because I have something very important to ask you." Ayano told her, calming her down a little. Hanako was silent, watching her. "My cousin Cupa likes Taeko, and they kinda have a thing for each other." Ayano started to explain the situation, but before she could continue Hanako shook her head repeatedly.
"No. I'm not giving them up to anyone." She said firmly. She folded her arms and pouted, still shaking her head. Ayano took a deep breath to keep herself punching Hanako in the face.
"Listen, please. My cousin is very sick right now. You've heard of Hanahaki disease right?" Ayano asked, keeping relaxed. Hanako nodded her head slowly, watching and listening to Ayano. "She's fallen hard for Taeko, and if they reject her confession, she'll die. Imagine if it was the other way around, and I was stopping Cupa accepting a love confession that could cost them their life. How would you feel?" She asked. Hanako looked down, her bottom lip trembling slightly.
"I'd feel horrible if Taeko died because of someone else..." Hanako said quietly, still looking upset. Ayano nodded. She saw she was getting close to the result she wanted, so she continued.
"Cupa won't stop you having a relationship with Taeko. You can have your time, and Cupa will have separate time. She won't break his heart or make him upset." Ayano promised. She knew Cupa wanted the best for Taeko, as did Hanako. They just weren't seeing eye to eye. "Please, her life depends on it." Ayano begged.
"Okay... but only because her life is on the line." Hanako told her. Ayano smiled, very relieved. At least Hanako wasn't in the way now. She didn't have to worry about her trying to sabotage their relationship.
"Thank you, Hanako. I'll never forget this." Ayano smiled brightly, bowing at her before running off. She wanted to message Info-chan, and spend more time with Cupa.

The next week, an assembly was called first thing in the gym by the student council. Ayano wasn't happy about it, but decided to stick with Cupa and Oka near the back of the gym. Megami came on to the stage, looking over at everyone before speaking.
"I do not wish to alarm anyone, but there have been a recent string of murders attached to this school recently. I will do whatever is in my power to bring the culprit if they are a student of this school to justice." Megami announced with complete conviction. That had Ayano a little worried. That also had Cupa worried. She didn't want Ayano going to jail for murder, but the only way to prevent the killings is to confess to Taro. She sure as hell wasn't ready, but it had to be done. Ayano meanwhile had taken to texting Info-chan, getting information on Megami. She wanted to have her eliminated before she became a threat. Before she was caught and arrested, or before she lost Cupa.

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