Chapter 13

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"What the fuck Taeko?" Ayano demanded furiously as she stormed over to her. It was the next day, and Ayano was going to speak to Taeko after overhearing Kokona say she was going with her. Cupa had already asked Taeko, and she had said yes.
"Ayano?" Taeko asked hesitantly, turning around to her. She had no idea why Ayano was so angry.
"Why did you say you'd go to the formal with Kokona when you'd already promised Cupa you'd go with her?" Ayano shouted at her. She didn't care that everyone had turned to look at them both. Taeko looked at her in surprise and confusion.
"I never told Kokona I would go with her." Taeko said softly, and Ayano could tell she wasn't lying. Now she was confused. "Why would you say something like that?" She asked.
"I overheard Kokona saying she was going with you..." she murmured, feeling embarrassed. This definitely could've been handled differently instead of shouting at her in front of other people. Taeko sighed a little, gently rubbing Ayano's back.
"It's fine. I am taking your cousin Cupa to the formal, and nothing is going to change that, alright?" Taeko reassured her with a warm smile. Ayano smiled back and nodded her head. She was tempted to confront Kokona, but it wasn't worth it. Not right now. "I'll talk to you later Ayano." Taeko said cheerfully as she headed towards the fountain like usual. Ayano made a small sigh as she headed to find Riku. She needed to convince him to ask Kokona to the formal again, knowing she actually didn't have a date to the formal.

Cupa had decided to spend the morning with the social butterflies. They were talking about the formal dance that Friday when someone brought up the topic of who they were going to the dance with. Kokona had a smile on her face as they discussed this.
"I'm going with Taro or Taeko, depends on who it is." Kokona beamed happily when she was asked. Saki and Musume looked at her in surprise, and Cupa looked at her in sadness. She'd already asked Taro, and was upset that he was taking someone else now even though he hadn't said anything.
"I thought they were going with Cupa." Musume said a little it loudly to her. The purple haired girl looked at her, seeing the sadness in her eyes. She honestly looked like she was about to cry.
"I thought so too, Kokona." Saki agreed, putting her hands on her hips. Kokona shrugged her shoulders, not looking at Cupa. The smaller girl looked like she was about to throw up a little. She put her hand to her mouth, sprinting away before she threw up everywhere. She was mostly afraid that she would vomit blood and petals, and the girls would worry about her. She didn't want that.
"I never knew that. Huh... oh well, she'll find someone else." Kokona shrugged her shoulders casually. If Cupa didn't have Hanahaki disease, it would be be so serious for her. Cupa probably would've found someone else if her life didn't depend on Taro/Taeko accepting her love. Taeko walked into the courtyard and straight to Kokona.
"Why have you been telling people we're going to the formal together?" She asked bluntly, looking at the purple haired girl. "I've already told you I'm taking Cupa. You need to stop this before she finds out and thinks I'm going with you." The girls looked at each other uncomfortably.
"Umm... I might've said something with Cupa around... she ran off to the bathroom if you want to speak to her..." Kokona said awkwardly, rubbing the back of her neck. Taeko nodded her head and ran off in the same direction. Kokona sighed, putting her head down slightly. She felt kinda bad for what she had just done.

Cupa took herself into the bathroom and kicked open one of the stall doors. She slammed it shut and locked it before being sick. She looked in to the toilet bowl, seeing plenty of flower petals swimming in a pool of water and blood. She frowned, spitting out a couple of petals that had stuck themselves to the inside of her mouth. She took out her water bottle, swishing around a large sip of that before spitting that into the toilet too to hopefully get rid of the taste of blood in her mouth. She flushed to get rid of the evidence, leaving only when the petals and blood had gone. Stood outside the stall was Taeko. Both girls looked upset.
"Hey..." Cupa murmured sadly, cupping her hands and looking down at them. Taeko felt bad, knowing why she was upset.
"Look. I want to set the record straight, alright?" Taeko asked, kinda blocking Cupa so she couldn't leave. The brunette looked up at her a little sadly before she continued. "I'm not taking Kokona to the formal. I told her no when she asked. I still want to go with you, only if you still want to." Cupa could tell she was telling the truth. She nodded her head softly with a weak smile. Taeko grinned and hugged the smaller girl, who hugged back after a moment of surprise. They let go as the warning bell for class sounded. "I'll talk to you later." She smiled as she headed out of the bathroom, followed by Cupa.

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