Chapter 7

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"A-are you sure about this?" Cupa asked her cousin hesitantly. They were stood in a private area of the school roof before class. Ayano nodded her head, positive.
"Of course I'm sure." Ayano insisted, laughing slightly. Today was Monday, the day she planned to eliminate Osana before she could confess her feelings to Taro on Friday.
"What of these feelings for Taro fade? Then what?" She asked a little quietly, frowning as the taste of blood began to fill her mouth again. She coughed, expelling some white petals into the air. "The petals go away and you've ended someone's life for almost no reason."
"I'm not risking it." Ayano shook her head firmly as she took hold of Cupa's hand. "This might kill you before it goes away, and I refuse to allow that to happen." The smaller girl sighed softly, letting go of Ayano's hand and hugging her. Ayano hugged back, smiling also. "I have to be somewhere, I'll speak to you later." Ayano told her as she broke out of the hug.
"That's fine, I'll speak to you later." Cupa said as Ayano began to walk away.

Ayano went straight to the info club. She had asked Info-chan to bring her some specific things into school that she would use to eliminate Osana that day with. She tapped on the door twice and waited for Info-chan to open the door. After a minute, the door opened, and Info's pale hand came out of the door. In her hand was 2 small vials, one containing an emetic poison and one containing a lethal poison. Both had been clearly labelled so she wouldn't get them mixed up.
"Thanks, Info-chan." Ayano said a little quietly, taking both of the vials. Info-chan's hand retracted, and the door slammed shut behind it. Ayano smirked as she headed to her classroom.

The classroom was empty when Ayano entered. Placed on Osana's desk was 2 bento boxes. One was labelled with Osana's name, the other with Taeko's. Ayano smirked, opening Osana's. She removed the lid from the lethal poison vial and emptied the contents all over Osana's lunch. She closed it before opening Taeko's. Ayano smiled to herself as she put the emetic into Taeko's lunch. She didn't want Taeko around to witness Osana's death, knowing that would really mess her up. Cupa was pretty insistent she didn't want Taeko getting hurt any more than she had to be through Ayano's actions. Ayano replaced the lid on Taeko's lunch before leaving to destroy the vials. Nobody would suspect sabotage if there was no evidence that would suggest it.

"Wow. Thanks for the bento, Osana." Taeko said, smiling, as she took the bento box from Osana. The ginger tsundere scoffed a little as she sat down beside her.
"I just made too much, and didn't want to waste it." She said a little firmly. Taeko laughed as she opened the bento and tasted some. "So, how is it?" Osana asked, trying to mask the hope in her voice. Taeko immediately felt sick.
"Did you put something in this?" She asked, her hand flying to her mouth. Osana looked at her in shock and fear.
"Huh?" Osana demanded an answer. Taeko stood up, her lunch scattering across the floor.
"I'm sorry, Osana." She said before sprinting off to the bathroom. Osana sighed and sat down with her own lunch.
"Where did I go wrong?" She murmured to herself as she opened her own bento. She was oblivious to the poisons in her's and Taeko's lunches. She began to eat her own, before beginning to choke. Nobody could do anything as she choked to death. Someone got a teacher, but they couldn't do anything except phone a paramedic, who arrived too late to save her.

Cupa sat by her bedroom window, watching the night sky. It was clear, revealing thousands of small stars to her. In the room with her was Ayano. They'd been sent home after Osana's unfortunate early demise. They'd been at Cupa's house ever since.
"So... you really did it." Cupa murmured to Ayano, holding her Monokuma bear closer. She felt some of the guilt for Osana's death even though she hadn't done anything to cause it.
"I had no choice." Ayano protested calmly, shrugging her shoulders. Cupa didn't look away from the window as she coughed more bloody petals into her hand.
"I'm still a little in shock that I'm in the same room as a killer." She murmured, her hand balling into a fist around the petals as the taste of blood filled her mouth again.
"It feels kinda weird." Ayano murmured. She stood up and walked over to Cupa. The smaller girl payed her no attention as she un-balled her fist and removed the petals from Cupa's hand. "I killed someone, yet I feel nothing." She sighed a little as she put the petals into the bin.
"There's something wrong with both of us." She murmured, still watching the stars. Ayano sat down next to her, putting her arms around her.
"Yeah, worry about getting yourself better before worrying about me for once." Ayano told her. Cupa sighed a little, leaning back on her cousin. Cupa always worried about everyone else before herself, and always told everyone to not worry about her. That had to change now her life was on the line.
"Thank you, Ayano." She murmured. Ayano looked at her, very confused. She didn't know why Cupa was thanking her, especially as she was against the idea of murder. "Thank you for looking out for me."
"Always." Ayano told her, hugging her. Cupa smiled and put down the bear on her lap so she could hug Ayano back.

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