Chapter Two

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After about six months of sneaking around, Simon was sick of it. None of his friends knew about his relationship with Jace.

Except Magnus.

The guy knew everything.

"This shit is going to blow up in your face, you know?" Magnus said, one night when they all went clubbing. Simon sighed.

"I know what I'm doing, Magnus."

"This is not healthy." Magnus argued. "I know you love him, but this is only hurting you. And keeping a secret this huge is-is..."

"I know." Simon sighed again. He needed a drink. "But I can't exactly force him to come out."

"No, but you can ask him to be a decent guy at least." Magnus said, pointedly looking at Jace on the dance floor. Simon's heart squeezed when he saw Jace and a girl practically fucking. Wonderful.

"It's fine, Magnus." Simon said. "Let's get drinks." He saw the look of frustration on Magnus's face. "I mean it, Magnus. I'm OK."

While he was at the bar, waiting for his drinks, a tall blonde man walked up to him. "I'm Sebastian."

"Simon." Simon said, an eye flicking to the dance floor. Jace was still with the girl.

"Can I buy you a drink?" Sebastian had asked.

"Sure." Simon smiled. He looked over at Jace again. Two could play the game.

Sebastian did not leave Simon's side the whole night and Simon had fun talking to him. He was handsome and tall, taller than Jace, which made Simon feel tiny next to him.

"Simon, we're leaving." He heard Jace say behind him. Sebastian brought out a card and slipped it into Simon's pocket. "Give me a call sometime." He said, before nodding to Jace and walking away.

Simon turned to an irate Jace. "What?" he asked before walking in front of him to join Clary, Maia and Izzy who were giggling and asking him about Sebastian.

Simon was expecting Jace to drop him off at home and leave, because the blond didn't say a word the whole ride.

"Hey." Simon protested as they drove past his apartment block. "Jace...what the hell?"

"Was all that necessary?" Jace asked in a quiet voice. "You were all over him."

"We were just talking." Simon said. "He was nice."

"I saw the way he was looking at you." Jace snapped. "He wasn't just being nice."

"I'm not a kid, Jace." Simon retorted, "I know what he wanted from me. So what?"

"Did you just...?" Jace's hands had tightened on the steering wheel. "Are you fucking serious? 'So what'...Really?"

Simon gulped at the fury in Jace's voice. "Look, he was just some guy in the club; I'll probably never see him again. Besides, I didn't do anything. Which is more than I can say for you..."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Jace asked, slowing down as he got to his house. "Simon...?"

"Jace, I'm tired." Simon sighed. "I'm not doing this..."

He got out, his heart pounding in his chest. Jace was mad. Simon had never seen him this angry before.

"Are you going to call him?" Jace asked as he opened the door and let Simon go inside first.

"Maybe, he says he'll let me see his..." Simon started and the breath was pushed out of his lungs as Jace pushed him against the wall. Hard. "Ow! Jace, what the fuck is wrong with you?"

"I didn't like seeing you all over him." Jace growled.

"For the last time, we were just talking." Simon pushed at Jace. "I don't understand, you are all over girls all the time and you don't see me crying about it. Why is it OK for you and not for me?"

Jace blinked. And his shoulders slumped. "I wasn' said..." his face tightened. "You are mine, Simon."

"No." Simon said, still struggling to push Jace. "You don't own me. Sebastian and I were just talking. That's it. I'm not the type to cheat, even if it's a one sided relationship. Get off me!"

Jace stepped back, hands in the air. "One sided? You think I'm cheating?"

"You might as well be." Simon mumbled, rubbing the back of his head and scowling at Jace. "You think I like it when you are all over every girl we meet? You think it's fair to me? Fuck you, Jace, I'm going home. I don't need this."

Simon pushed himself away from the wall and tried to open the door. "Jace...I'd like to leave?"

"Don't be dramatic, it's late." Jace said, tiredly. "How are you going to get home?"

"I dunno; I could call Sebastian." Simon wondered if he had a death wish because he turned and took out Sebastian's card from his pocket and waved it in front of Jace. He was mad enough to poke the bear.

"Simon..." Jace growled. "Stop it."

"Make me." Simon challenged. He flinched when Jace grabbed his wrist, pulling him against his body and kissing him hard. Simon held his body stiff against Jace, until the kiss softened and he sighed, his body relaxing against Jace.

"I'm not cheating on you." Jace said, after he pulled away. "I'd never do that to you."

"I know." Simon said, unbuttoning Jace's shirt. "It...It's frustrating seeing you like that and I'm not allowed to do anything. But do you have to encourage them?"

"No. I don't." Jace answered. "OK, let's do this. I'll stop being such a whore if-if you get rid of Sebastian's card."

"Is that really necessary?" Simon asked. "He knows..." he stopped at the look on Jace's face. "Fine. But I don't think it's a fair trade. You need to trust me, if you want me to trust you."

"I do trust you, but..." Simon shook his head. "I can't believe that after 6 months of dating me, you still think I'll cheat on you."

Jace was silent.

"I turned down Victor for you." Simon said. "Victor! And I chose to stay with your pathetic ass." Simon stepped back from Jace. "I'm going to bed."

Simon was still awake when Jace got into bed with him. He lay stiffly with his back to Jace. Stupid Jace with his stupid hang ups. Simon silently vented. He heaved a shaky sigh. "I don't like this, but I'm doing it for you. The least you could do is..."

"I know. I'm sorry." Jace said. "I had no right to demand that from you. I don't know how to be in a relationship. We both know I'm emotionally repressed."

Simon choked out a laugh and turned to face Jace. "Yeah well, you can't be perfect." He crawled closer to Jace till his head as on his chest. "I'll admit this though, I was trying to get back at you."

"Please don't do that to me again." Jace groaned. "I thought I was going to kill someone."

"I'm sorry." Simon said, sincerely. "I'm not going to him. I enjoyed talking to him, but that's it. Besides, I like my blonds a little rugged. He was a little too smooth. I mean, he kept going on about the famous people he's friends with. Ugh."

"I know famous people too." Jace laughed.

"And one day you'll introduce me to them." Simon said, giggling.

Jace shifted till he was leaning over Simon, who grinned up at him. "Really? You have to be at work in the morning."

"So we better be quick then." Jace said, kissing Simon's neck. "Plus you know this gets me to sleep quicker. Especially since I'm still wired from our fight. Did I ever tell you you're really hot when you are mad?"

"Oh?" Simon bit gently on Jace's earlobe and smiled when Jace moaned. "I don't think so..."

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