"You know Ink man, being an asshole, spreading rumors of me secretly being on your side, manipulating everyone."

"So basically the usual?"

"Noooo it gets even better!"

I replied sarcastically. Nightmare continued to stare at me in shock. What? Has he never heard of sarcasm before?

"Fell thought that since Ink was pissed off at me, he could take advantage of that since the positivity in the room was low due to Classic's disappearance."

Nightmare narrowed his eyes and I could tell he was fighting with himself to remain in his passive form. I took a deep breath and prepared for his unintentional wrath.

"So Fell thought that it would be smart to trip me and when I regained my balance, he shoved me to the ground. Everyone started to laugh except for a few who looked worried. Ink wasn't one of them."

Nightmare was quiet but I knew he was silently seething. Him being quiet was already a red flag. If he's quiet, he's really pissed and very unpredictable. He will hurt anyone and anything around him, even if they're not related to what he's angry at. Nightmare's friends probably learned that the hard way.

"So what HAPPened AFTER THAt?"

I could tell he was having a hard time with control.

"I beat up Fell and told him to go do the world a favor and kill himself but after that, I got ganged up on and I got really hurt."

I replied showing Nightmare the side of my skull that I was discreetly hiding earlier. I didn't want to show him anything else.

"I am GOING TO KILL them."

He snarled as he began to pace back and forth restlessly before stopping completely. I froze and silently panicked when I noticed his glare.

"You're hiding something from me, AREN'T YOU?"

He growled as he took a couple steps towards me. I took a step back uneasily.

"DREam, I'm warning yOU,"

He growled, trying a couple scare tactics that used to get me when we were guardians together. I was expecting him to do this. What I wasn't expecting Nightmare to do was suddenly teleport in front of me. I cried out in surprise and tripped over my own two feet as I tried to quickly get away from him. I landed on my chest pretty hard.

I winced when I felt a deep throbbing pain from my cracked ribs. Without a doubt, they are worse now.

"... Shit Dream, I didn't mean to make you trip. Are you okay?"

"Fine... I'm just great."

I replied, gritting my teeth from the pain. Man, Mafia and G Sans are fucking evil. Since Nightmare is well... Nightmare, I knew he could tell if I was in pain due to his powers. No use in lying anymore.


Nightmare held out his hand and I took it. Once I was back on my feet, Nightmare gave me a pointed look. I sighed.

"Ribs, skull, and right radius. I can't use my bow right now until my radius heals."

"NOW I know I am going to KILL THEM! YOU HELPED THEm so many times and this is how they REPAY YOU?!"

"Calm down Night, there's no use in storming into headquarters as you'd be outnumbered, even with the others. Although Ink's reaction would be priceless."


"Ugh. Yes, the place where everyone meets to talk about shit like the shenanigans you and your gang pull off every day."

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