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tw//domestic abuse
mama_spence is typing...

mama_spence has sent a direct message

mama_spence: hey bren. hope you're feeling better. ryan and i are waiting for you at the slushie shop, care dropping by? we'll be here for an hour or so.

urie420: Do you expect me to come?

mama_spence: yes. be there, okay?

urie420: Whatever. I'm not going.

mama_spence: i'm sure you'll change your mind :) we'll be here

urie420: k.

"He hit us with a k. Period and everything," Ryan sighs. "Are you sure this is Dallon typing and not Brendon?"

"I'm sure. Brendon would never be rude to us no matter how upset he is," Spencer replies, putting his phone in his pocket. He drives down the street and pulls into a grocery store parking lot. "Is here okay?"

Ryan sticks his head out the window to make sure he can't see Dallon's apartment. "Yeah," he replies, "yeah, I think so."

"So what do we do now? We're not exactly ninjas, you know," Spencer mutters, opening his car door. Ryan follows.

"I...do you really think he's with him?" Ryan asks quietly. 

Spencer shrugs. "It's the most reasonable explanation."

"Do you...do you think he already hurt him?" Ryan asks, his voice cracking at the last syllable. Spencer looks at Ryan with eyes full of sympathy. He didn't know how to respond. There was definitely a chance that Dallon had already hurt him.

"I, uh, I don't know," Spencer answers truthfully. His eyes met Ryan's dark brown ones, the ones filled with sadness and glossed over with tears.

"He...he helped me out of my abusive relationship with my dad," Ryan croaks, tears running down his cheeks. "I-I have to help him, Spence, I-I..."

"I know," Spencer says, hugging Ryan and shushing him. "We'll help him."

"Do you think, uh...do you think I made his life worse? I mean, this wouldn't have happened if I just-just—"

"Don't say that," Spencer says firmly before Ryan can finish. "You made Brendon happier than he's ever been. You're his best friend. He just gets a little sensitive. He has certain triggers. Sometimes it bothers him and sometimes it doesn't. Aren't you like that, too? It's like when people call you George."

"Are you sure?" Ryan asks quietly.

"I'm positive. Brendon would be lost without you," Spencer replies, breaking away from the hug. "Now, let's go get him. It's been long enough."



"Get out of the bathroom right now! What are you doing in there?!"

"What's he doing? Wh-what's he doing?!" Ryan asks in short breaths, clutching his chest tightly.

"I fucking knew it," Spencer snarls at the screaming coming from inside Dallon's window. Ryan tugs on Spencer's arm, fear tinted in his eyes.

"Is that Brendon he's yelling at? Is he hu-urting him?" Ryan asks, choking back a sob. "Is he okay?"

Spencer stands up from his crouching position and tugs Ryan up with him. He points through the window and Ryan's eyes follow.

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