Chapter 13: Midnights Back

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Also we won't have quality picture for a while cause my phones back camera is shit sooo

Feeling the heat of sun on my eyelids,I reluctantly awoke from my slumber. I laid thinking in the cocoon of blankets surrounding my previously passed out body.
I squeezed my eyes tightly, trying to be rid of the after-tears sting in my eyes. I don't even want to wake up today. I stood up to close the blinds. Before I spend the rest of my life in bed, I need this damn light out of my face.

"Hey, mom told me to wake- What the fuck is that?!"

Turning towards the offending voice I saw my brother looking at Cerberus with fear. Cerberus, who doesn't like being stared at like that, shapeshifted into a small bird and flew towards me before changing again into a small snake and hid in my shirt.

"Don't worry about Cerberus," I said placing a comforting hand on her in her hiding place, "I'll be down in a second."

After his footsteps disappeared down the hallway, Cerberus decided to speak.

"I do not like that one."

Nudging her up to my neck, I replied, "I can see why."


Reluctantly trudging down the stairs, I finally came into the kitchen where my parents and the people-I-have-to-call-sibling's were getting ready for their respective days at work. Greg and Mae were eating and chatting amongst themselves (which got quieter once I came in). Mother was serving the food and Father was helping her.
Taking a seat as far as I could from those traitors, I tried my best to ignore the hostile and curious glances being spared my way.

"Sakura dear, do you like pancakes?" Mother asked placing two on a plate.

"Yeah, can I also have butter?" I replied as she set it down in front of me.

Before she could move for the butter, Father swooped in and dramatically gave me the butter. Mother laughed at his actions before they gave each other a loving peck.
From the corner of my eye I could see the other two people at the table fake gag or roll their eyes. Their reactions confused me, why wouldn't you like your parents showing they still loved each other?


Soon everyone was sitting at the table chatting happily amongst themselves. I was looking down, avoiding eye contact, and eating my pancakes. All I want is to finish this food, go back to my room, and sleep. If I can, I want to avoid this family at all costs, not like they'd care anyway. They probably all think I'm a villain and are just waiting for me to snap.


"Heeeyyyyy~~~~" Midnight chimes walking happily into the kitchen. Greg and Mae rose to greet her and spoke excitedly with her.

"Well, actually I'm here to take Greg to school and offer Sakura a small job as an assistant teacher for the day!" Midnight grinned.

I weighed my options. I could stay here in bed all day with the constant reminder that my family fucking hates me and never really thought of me kindly, or I could get my mind off it with one of the only people I trust at this point.

"Yeah I'll do it."

"Great! Come on! Let's go get you changed!" Midnight excitedly exclaimed pulling me up the stairs and away from my unfinished pancakes. If only I had thought for a second longer I could've finished that last bite.

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