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The moment your eyes opened, an undeniable sense of fear was plagued within you. You didn't sit up, the heart beat in your chest prevented it. Your gaze was locked on the adjacent wall. The figure standing in the window to be specific.

It was nothing you'd expected to see. Piercing white eyes burrowing into your soul. This being was not human, you already could tell. His thin body covered in a tattered cloak, that only hid the top half of his abdomen. The rest of him was coiled in old, dirty bandages. He didn't move. Hell he didn't even break stares. It was so sudden when he'd risen a bell, his dwindled, clawed hand palming a human skull. He rang the bell three echoing times, and suddenly..he was gone. Completely out of sight.

In that moment, you'd been filled with enough energy to run. Get the absolute fuck out of where ever you were. The dark room changed into a disgusting green smog. The smell of burning gas and oil was obvious. Overwhelming even. You'd eventually taken shelter between two trees, eyes wide as you tried to swallow.


After slightly collecting yourself you'd dunked down, crouching across the field in search of a generator. But as far as you could see, there wasn't one. Panic began to slightly rise, but you'd suppressed it for now. Here and there you'd stopped, looking around for the being who'd been staring you down. Did he disappear into whatever hellish realm he crawled out of? You'd take what you could get and decided to run.

It seemed like twenty whole minutes had passed, and you hadn't came across one generator. Not fucking one. This didn't seem real. You'd found the exit gates, both of them active, but for some damn reason the doors wouldn't budge. You were locked in. How the fuck were you suppose to leave?!


Your next bet was to scurry the ground for a rusted, metal door in the earth. You remembered the last time you'd been around it, the area smelt like iron. A metallic sort of smell-like you'd just had a bloody nose.

From your position, you could see the neon sign of a gas station.

'Gas Heaven'

The neon words flowed brightly through chipped red paint. Your brows furrowed, and you'd decided this was your best option. After a brisk jog through the empty fields and broken down trucks, you'd made it to the gas pumps. That's when you'd seen it. A fucking generator. The gears and pumps loudly purring from where you were now. This was the first time you'd actually felt pure happiness. Fleeting happiness, honestly. This seemed to clean.

You'd taken a chance and crept towards the door, but by the time you'd nearly reached the handle, a small bell had rang. Loud enough to make it obvious you were there. Off in the distance, it was maybe—six, seven yards away..three..echoing bell tolls could be heard. You didn't hesitate to head right into the gas station in a blaze of uncertainty. There had been three lockers, a counter, and empty decrepit space. Right away, you'd avoided the locker and dove right for the front counter. You'd sat down, knees to your chest and shaking hands over your mouth. You'd been trying your damndest to settle your breathing.

You'd really only stopped breathing when the door had opened, and closed quietly. Thanks to the long crack in the counter, you were able to make out a set of dirty bare feet. They were facing away from you, and towards the lockers instead. Soon they'd began to walk towards a different door, your hand had rose to the edge of the countertop, waiting to hear the other door close so you could up and get the hell outta there.

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