Chapter Seven- Such Euphoria

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The fallen autumn leaves crunch underfoot like a soft, harmonic, melody.

The wind blows on my face like a gentle whisper, its crisp coolness kissing my nose.

Inside of my soft, denim pocket, I play a structured rhythm with my rough fingertips.

Today is the day of my job interview, a small opportunity as a bread maker in a bakery; I desperately need it.

This job involves little to no social communication and that's what makes it so appealing- perhaps I wouldn't be fired after a few weeks this time.

I bake all the time. Cakes, brownies; muffins, but bread is my favourite.

Watching the soft dough rise after hours of dedication and design never fails to make my heart boom in my chest.

Yet, as I stand in-front of this sweet elderly lady, my nerves seem to sky-rocket. Rationally there was nothing to worry about, yet my hand still tapped.

I show her the doughy samples that I had made at home; she asks me to make a few things, which I do so eagerly. I'm ecstatic with how well this seems to be going.

Then, she asks questions...I try to stutter out something simple, something coherent; I doubt that she understands me.

I leave with a heavy heart and violent tears flooding my eyes...always a failure.

How could I believe,
That this would be any different;
My illness always triumphs,
Over my shattered dreams.

But by some miracle,
At the end of the day,
Gazing out at the full moon,
I got the news;
She'd like me to start soon.

I cheer and shout with joy, I was delighted; I couldn't wait!

I cuddle Dobby close, stroking his soft fur- he senses my delight and purrs with happiness too.

He snuggles into my soft, red jumper- licking the texture gently.

My phone buzzes in my pocket.

Unknown: Hi

Me: Hello? Who is this?

Unknown: Stormy Blue, I believe you call me :)

Me: Oh...hiii

Stormy: How are you?

Me: I'm really happy actually! I got a new job and I'm starting soon!

Stormy: Oooh well done :) I'm sure you'll be amazing at it!

His response makes me blush and feel...somewhat prouder of myself. I shake my head, calm down!

Me: Thank you, I was so nervous ngl

It seems like we spend,
The whole night talking,
About random things,
His replies make me laugh
His replies make me blush
His replies make me happy.

Stormy: This might be a bit soon but...

My heart begins to thud in my chest.

Stormy: Do you want to go on a date?

I scream into my pillow.

Me: That would be cool :p

Stormy: *mini cheer* I'll pick you up? 5:00; Friday?

Me: Friday it is

I text him my address.

My mind is in such euphoria, that my hand lays resting; my fingers still.

A date. I smile. I have a date.


I've been having a few problems these last few days; I'm doing much better now!) Everyone's comments and votes mean a tremendous lot to me! This book has been receiving such positive feedback and I'm simply ecstatic! (A lot of exclamation marks I know xD) I hope you have enjoyed this chapter and keep on reading :p

El x
(Aka. SippingSpiffingTea)

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