Chapter 7

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At the cemetery, Binx sits on his sister's grave. "Because of me, my little sister's life was stolen. For years I waited for my life to end, so I could be reunited with my family. But Winifred's curse of immortality kept me alive. Then one day I figured out what to do with my eternal life. Now, I'd failed Emily, but I wouldn't fail again. When Winifred and her sisters returned, I'd be there to stop them. So, for three centuries, I guarded the house on All Hallow's Night when I knew some airhead virgin might light that candle." Binx explained. "Nice going, airhead." said Dani. "Yeah, nice going." growled Dean punching Max's arm. "And when it's not Halloween, I would occasionally help hunters and educate them about the sisters in hopes of them spreading the word; so that if need be, there is a hunter close by to help when the time comes." said Binx. "Hunters?" asked Allison. "People who hunt supernatural beings; like ghosts, demons, and of course...witches. They've been around for a very, very long time; and are still prominent today, though the modern ones are more secretive." answered Binx. Sam and Dean exchange glances towards each other.

Dani was amazed by this info. "Then let's find a hunter, they'll know what to do!" she said. "Well, it seems we already have two among us." Binx said looking at Sam and Dean. "Wait a minute, what?" said Max surprised. "I met their father shortly after they moved here. He was checking out the house when I showed myself to him. Apparently, he already knew of me because he was friends with another hunter I have spoken to, a man named Bobby Singer. Anyway, he told me that if he wasn't available, I should go to you, Dean, for help; or to contact him." said Binx. "So, can you guys help?" asked Allison. The brothers nodded. Allison tries to take a peek in the book. "Stay out of there!" Binx, Sam, and Dean shout. "Why?" she asked. "It holds Winifred's most dangerous spells. She must not get it." Binx answered. Max takes the book and puts it on the ground. "Let's torch the sucker." he said. "No, dude, with this stuff you gotta salt and burn it." said Dean. "None of that will work, many hunters have tried. It's protected by magic." explained Binx. Laughter suddenly echoes through the cemetery, the kids look up and see the witches flying on brooms.

The sisters surround the kids. "Brave little virgin who lit the candle. I'll be thy friend." said Sarah. "Hey! Take a hike!" Allison said swinging a tree branch at Sarah. "Ouch!" screamed Sarah. "Book! Come to mommy." Winifred called out. The spell begins to levitate off the ground. "'Fraid not." Binx said jumping on top of the book. "Thackary Binx, thou mangy feline. Still alive?" Winifred said. "And waiting for you." Binx replied. "Oh. Thou hast waited in vain. And thou will fail to save thy friends, just as thou failed to save thy sister." said Winifred. Binx hisses at the witch in anger. "Grab the book!" Binx ordered. Dean grabs the book and holds it tightly to keep it away from the witches. "They can't touch us here, right?" asked Max. "Well, they can't." answered Binx. "I don't like the way you said that." whimpered Dani. Then, Winifred casted a spell and Billy Butcherson pops out of his grave. The sight of him causes the kids to scream and run. "Have you ever hunted a zombie before?" asked Allison. "No!" replied both Sam and Dean. Binx leads them to a hole that leads to an underground crypt. "In here." he said going into the hole. Sam and Dani go in first, followed by Allison.

Max and Dean look to see the zombie gaining on them. "You got a plan?" asked Dean. Max runs up and pulls back a branch and lets go of it. The branch knocks Billy's head off. "Yes!" Max cheered. Him and Dean follow the others into the crypt. "Are you two okay?" Allison asked Sam and Dani. "Uh huh." answered Dani. "Yeah." answered Sam. "What is this place, Binx?" Max asked the cat. "It's the old Salem Crypt." replied Binx. "Here, Sam, take the book." Dean said handing his brother the witch's spell book. Sam puts the book in his now empty candy bag. Above ground, the witches see Billy scrambling for his head. "Oh cheese and crusts, he's lost his head." groaned Winifred annoyed. "Ah! That Thackary Binx! Billy, which way did they go?" she asked as Billy puts his head back on. "Billy, listen to me, follow those children you maggot museum and get my book, and get me the boy, then come find us. We'll be waiting for them." said Winifred. "Quit staring at me! Get moving down that hole!" she shouted at the zombie. The sisters land in front of the cemetery gates. 

They stand on the outside looking around. "They're here. I know they're here. But, where are they. Sniff them out, Mary." Winifred said. "They're...they're...oh, I can't. They've gone too far. I've lost them." Mary whimpered frantically. "I'll have your guts for garters girl. Confound it! Very well, we must. When Billy the Butcher gets here with my book we shall be ready." said Winifred. "Ready." repeated Mary. They turn to see Sarah swinging on the gates, not paying any attention. "Sarah!" shout Winifred and Mary. Sarah gets down and joins her sisters. "We must start collecting children." Winifred said. "Why?" asked Mary. "Because, you great buffoon. We want to live forever, not just until tomorrow. The more children's lives we snatch, the longer we shall live. We must live to see the apocalypse, dear sisters." explained Winifred. Before they fly off, they form a calming circle, as Mary suggested.

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