Up up and away

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Makayla's pov

Living hell. The only thing I can think of to describe these last few days.

I pull up in my car to see Lilly run drive away on her motorcycle, kennie throw her hands up in the air mad and storm away, jayce and Bryn just kinda roll their eyes, and Zeke run after kennie.

I laugh a little

Me: what the heck did I just drive into...

I stop by jayce and hunter

Me: what happened?
J: the girls were fighting again
Me: what about?
J: normal stuff, Lilly ran away and kennie stormed off.

I roll my eyes

Me: a zombie apocalypse and those two still find somthing to bitch about. I swear if somthing dosnt kill them soon I will.

They both stare at me shocked.

Me: what?

J: you cuss? But I thought you were the baby person out of the group.

Me: baby?

J: you know like kid of the group. Dosnt cuss, acts younger, comic relief, naturally happy, kinda weak.

Me: weak? Where the hell did you get that idea?

H: Lilly and kennie.

Me: so you guys think I'm weak? The baby? Well what would you guys do if I told you that I actually know what is wrong here? That I know Lilly answer of her stuiped blood bullets won't work? That it's not a cure? That the only reason your seeing a reaction is because the allergic reaction to her blood from the antigens reacting to the antibodies in the blood. Also her AB- blood is the rarest but isn't suposed to be used for blood donations. That's O-! It has no antigens witch are what are attacked by the antibodies in the blood her blood attacks other blood and is slowly killing the poor person you guys have been using as a test subject. The virus is based on internal brain waves that are controlled by a government made drug. The shock of the alergic reaction freezes the virus for minutes at a time, it's not a cure but a poison! But I mean not like any one would ask me! Just go ask Lilly I mean she's the savior now isn't she! Or go ask kennie I mean she knows everything dosnt she?! But no because I'm the baby! The helpless one! The stuiped little peice of comic relief!

I gasp for a breath at the end of my rant and storm off back into the car. I turn on the gas going much faster then I normally do speeding back out away from camp.

I see somthing moving in front of my car and stop quickly. I am around a yard from hitting some one. As I look I see it's Noah. He opens up the door and sits in the passenger seat.

Me: I'm not going back to camp. Get out now if you want to.

He shrugs but dosnt move.

Noah: were we going then?

I think for a second.

Me: New York.

Noah: why head into the fire?

Me: because that's the only way to fix it? I think?

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