Chapter 14 | One of Them

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They were coming up to the Woodward Mall Centre and Connor was keeping an eye on (Y/n)'s behaviour. Her fists were clenched in her lap and her eyes were flicking around. The RK800 wanted to bring it up but thought better of it.

"You can drop me off here." (Y/n) said nervously.

"You sure?" Hank asked. It seemed he had also noticed her odd behaviour. "Want us to come with y-"

"Just stop the car!" She suddenly yelled out and cautiously, Hank did just that outside the small mall on the road. Although she opened the door, she didn't step out.

"Before anything else happens, I want you guys to know that you're practically family to me." She glanced at Connor. 'Maybe more.' She thought. "Nothing will ever change that and I hope the same will apply for you. I'm sorry." With that little speech, she got out the car, closed the door and began power walking towards the mall entrance.

"What do think that was about?" Connor said.

"No idea. But there is definitely something going on here." Hank replied before driving away to the station.


Markus, North and Josh were exiting the Mall with about 5 androids with them.

"(Y/n). Glad you could make it." North said.

"So what's going on here?" She asked.

"We're peacefully marching to Grand Circus Park." Markus explained, pointing down the road. (Y/n) saw North roll her eyes. "I'll be getting as many androids as I can to join us along the way." He continued.

"We have more from Jericho waiting beneath that pothole in the road." Josh said.

"Let's begin." (Y/n) said. She reached into her pocket and brought out her infamous goggles and face mask, putting them on and pulling her hood up. Hopefully, it would be the last time she would have to wear them.

"I'll get them to block the road." Markus told them, looking at two androids by a truck. They each split up and while North helped Markus, (Y/n) and Josh headed to the pothole. Crouching down, the woman lifted the metal circle revealing someone under it. With Josh's help, they pulled out the remaining Jericho androids. Or at least most of them.

The other two joined them and Markus moved to the head of the crowd. Then he did something (Y/n) had never seen before. He simply gestured to androids at parking points of by their owners and one by one, they walked away from their designated spots and joined the crowd. Once they had about 20 androids behind them, Markus began to walk. 

No one said a word, just letting the human public stare on as Markus called more androids to their side with North, Josh and the masked stranger behind him. Seeing large screens, displaying adverts, (Y/n) reached out to them with her mind. They flickered for a moment before displaying a black background with the white symbol of Jericho, Markus had decided upon just last night. An upside down triangle that was unfinished on one of its sides. 

They were passing a large building that served as a car park, Markus calling over more androids when a camera drone flew over them. It scanned Markus then seemed to turn to (Y/n). Taking a deep breath, she stared right back at the camera and removed her hood, revealing her hair. Then she tore her goggle and finally... her mask. Her face was hard as camera continued to analyse her before flying away to observe more of the march. She threw her goggles and mask on the ground and didn't look back at them, letting the hundreds of androids trample and crush them.

 They continued to walk, her blue heart hammering in her chest. She had let Connor and Hank down. Connor... he had been the first person she had cared about in that way. She should've seen this coming but it still upset her. Keeping her emotions in check, she focused on the march. A singular officer stood in the road with his gun up.

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