Chapter 13 | Untold Secrets

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Several people predicted what was going to happen here so I am dedicating this and future chapters to them along with people who have been super nice.

Snow fell steadily from the sky as Connor and (Y/n) sat in Hank's car. Outside, there was a large stretch of frozen water and a small artistically shaped black building at the water's edge although it could have just been the snow making it seem smaller. The walls of it stuck out slightly in a point and the roof was smooth and flat. 

A path with railings on either side led up to the door. Elijah Kamski's house. Just in front of the car, Hank was on the phone. Connor and (Y/n) were in an uncomfortable silence. (Y/n) was just a bit too nervous after what had happened on the pier yesterday. She couldn't pinpoint Connor's reason though. His LED had been yellow the whole drive and was only blue now. The tension around them was tangible.

"Should we get out?" Connor asked awkwardly.

"Yeah! That's a good idea!" (Y/n) exclaimed suddenly, with a large smile as if that would relieve the tension in the car. It just made it worse. She quickly got out the car to hide her red face and she and Connor approached Hank as he put down the phone.

"Is everything ok, Lieutenant?" Connor asked as Hank his expression thoughtful and conflicted.

"Chris was on patrol last night." He started. "He was attacked by a bunch of deviants." (Y/n) glanced at Connor for a second. For ages, she just had the feeling that she was being so obvious and they would kill or arrest her on the spot. But they didn't seem to suspect a thing. The deviants must have been the ones North had told her about. "He said he was saved by Markus himself." (Y/n) didn't hide her small smile. It was already obvious to everyone that she supported deviants.

"Is Chris ok?" Connor also questioned and Hank nodded.

"Yeah, he's in shock but... he's alive." He drifted off. It seemed the knowledge that Markus had spared his friend had stumped him. "What the hell..." Shaking his head, he began walking towards the door of the small building with Connor and (Y/n) in tow.

"Kamski left CyberLIfe 10 years ago." The male android pitched in. "Why did you wanna meet him?" He asked Hank.

"This guy created the first android to pass the Turing Test. And he's the founder of CyberLife. Anybody can tell us about deviants, it's him." Hank answered. Then, he pressed the small doorbell to the right of the door in front of him. Connor was beside the Lieutenant and (Y/n) was behind them, hidden slightly. There were three chimes after the button was pressed, like just before an announcer is about to speak in an airport. 

There was no answer for a second and Hank went to ring a second time when the door opened revealing a beautiful blonde woman with a flawless face in a blue dress. Her eyes held no emotion and the blue LED on her head revealed what she was. Although everyone already knew. Chloe. An RT600 model and the first android. She continued to stare at them. "Hi... uh. I'm, er, Lieutenant Anderson, Detroit Police Department. I'm here to see Mr. Elijah Kamski." Hank introduced awkwardly. A large smile suddenly grew onto the Chloe's face and she gestured inside.

"Please, come in."

"Okay." Hesitating, Hank walked in, followed by his two partners. Then Chloe spotted (Y/n). "Oh! Miss (L/n)! It's a pleasure to see you again. Shall I tell Elijah that you're-"

"That won't be necessary, Chloe. I'm just here for them. Elijah doesn't need to know." Chloe's LED blinked yellow before she smiled again.

"Very well. I'll let Elijah know that you're here." She looked at Hank and Connor. "But please make yourselves comfortable." She walked through a door in the corner of the room and closed it behind her.

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