Part 15: It had to be done

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Keebo swooned inside his head. Kokichi grinned. Kaito coughed. "Ahem you two. You don't want to throw her out into space?" He said. Kokichi shook his head. "Nope! We have a strict no kill policy." He said. Kaito rolled his eyes. "Fine. You want to put her in a space suit?!" He asked. "Yeah That sounds better." Kokichi said. Kaito rolled his eyes and stormed off with Tsumugi.

Kokichi grinned. "He's just jealous!" He laughed. He kissed Keebo sweetly on the lips. Keebo smiled. "Okay..." he gave himself over to Kokichi for today.

"So Keebo! You should join my organization now that you're laser powered!" He said excitedly, stars in his eyes. Keebo scoffed and shook his head. "No way Kokichi." He said. "Oh cmonnn it'll be fun I promise!" "Your promises are lies." "A liar doesn't have to lie all the time Baka Keeboy!" "How rude!" "Nee heehee!"
Kokichi and Keebo chased each other around.

Kaito sighed and smiled. "Maybe you'll turn him someday Keebo." He said aloud. Tsumugi sighed. "Young love." "Shut it Tsumugi." Kaito growled. She sighed. "Are you suuure you can't forgive me? I mean technically they weren't dead yet. It's just fiction!" She said. "Well fiction can affect the world too!" Kaito said. She shook her head. "I did no damage. They were dead anyways so I don't care if they were brain dead or not. Memory wipe isn't so bad. And yes they felt the pain of death but now they're stronger!" She smiled.

Kaito scoffed. "Don't justify killing!" He said. "Oh excuuuse me. I wasn't the one who auditioned saying I was going to kill everyone." She retorted. Kaito gasped. A memory flashed through his brain. He cried out and dropped Tsumugi. They lay on the floor. Kaito coughed blood. "Ughhh. Is this real?" He asked. She nodded. "If you die now, since You rebelled you'll die for real." "That makes no damn sense!" "It's just plain unfair isn't it? Oh well. Danganronpa never had fairness other than rules." She said.

"Talking to you makes my head hurt." Kaito gagged her with his sock. She pouted and he dragged her to the dining hall.
Kokichi grinned at the struggling robot. "Don't resist me Keeboy! I'm too great." He smirked. The flushed robot shook his head. "Let me go!" He was stuck in Kokichi's surprisingly strong arms.
"Nee hee hee. Okay." "......" "of course that was a lie! Can you feel ticklish?!" Kokichi tickled the robot. Keebo burst into laughter trying to swat Kokichi away. "Kokichii Stop!" He laughed. Kokichi grinned but frowned and he saw Kaito hobble over to the cafeteria.
Kaito frowns.
"Kaede?" He asked. Her neck had strange marks. "Yes?" She asked. "Your neck....." "oh that's just from.... it'll heal no problem!" She said smiling. Rantaro smiles. Shuichi sat between them. "So Kaede.... you're actually here..." "yep. Kind of.. surreal honestly." She said. Kaito started coughing more. Tsumugi struggled and spat out her gag.

She cosplayed as Sakura Oogami. She grabbed him. "Give me the dead students or else I'll make a new one." She said. "And this time it's for real." She added. Everyone jumped. Rantaro shook his head. "No way they'll give us over. But just in case- RUN!" He hopped up and gestured Kaede to do the same. She ran for it as well. Tsumugi shrugged and grabbed Kirumi and Ryoma. "I'll have to keep them. I'll have to reset all of you!" She said. Tsumugi stormed off with Ryoma and Kirumi's bodies.

Tsumugi sighed. She put Ryoma into his capsule and Kirumi in hers. "Two down. It's huntin time."

Kaito burst in. Tsumugi was caught off guard. He and Rantaro shoved her into a space suit and threw her- screaming.
Into the vast openness of space.

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