Chapter Eight: the truth

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"SHE TRIED TO WHAT?!" Keebo's jaw dropped. "To kill me." Kokichi said grinning. "W-wh..... no way." Keebo said. "She blew up my room man. She's crazy." "Well so are you! How did you know?! Also what happened to my ahoge?!" Keebo said. "Ha ha.... about that. It's fine and it totally survived the explosion." He said smirking. "You're lying! Urghhh I hate you!" Keebo said turning his back to Kokichi. Kokichi smirked and put his chin on his shoulder. "Kokichi no. I'm mad at you." Keebo said.

Kokichi wrapped his arms around him slowly. "Are you sure?" He asked kissing his cheek and lower to his shoulder. Keebo blushed and froze up. "T-yes.. I mean no! W-Wait......." Keebo squirmed and realized that Kokichi had sneakily snaked his arms around him. "Kokichi that is not fair!"  Keebo protested and Kokichi put his chin on his shoulder. Kokichi smirked and kissed his cheek again. "Ngh...." Keebo muttered his face red. "F-fine. But we need a way to fix this." Keebo said. Kokichi stood up and crossed his arms.

"I may have a plan. Starting with where I am going to stay." Kokichi said unwrapping himself from Keebo. Keebo stood up and sat on his bed. "And where might that be?" He asked. Kokichi stared at Keebo. "Well with you of course." He replied simply as if it were a fact. Keebo sighed. "Logically I knew you would say that. But how are you safe here?" Keebo asked, flopping back onto his bed. "Well I guess I could infiltrate the love hotel." Kokichi said with a shrug. "Whatever is most fun for you?" "You're learning! Good Keeboy." Kokichi smiled. Keebo sighed. "Am I in danger?" Kokichi shook his head. "You're important to her. Or at least you were with that ahoge. But now without it you're vulnerable. So I guess you are. But don't worry." Kokichi sat on top of him and looked into his eyes.

Eyes that made Keebo feel human even when Kokichi made robot jokes. Keebo knew he wasn't safe and yet-
There he was.

Kokichi grinned. "Infiltration is always fun. But then I can't keep an eye on you." Kokichi said brushing his fingers along Keebo's face. Keebo smiled. He sat up and gave Kokichi a hug. "Don't die. If you die I'll never feel human." He whispered in his ear softly. "Oh Keeboy. Why would I ever die?" Kokichi whispered back.

Keebo then widened his eyes. "Wait. The monitor in my roo-" "it's been cut off by me. To her it looks like you're always sleeping, reading, or playing games with me on your screen like a bum. Pre recorded messages too." Kokichi beamed. Keebo sighed and chuckled a little. "Of course. It's you were talking about."

Shuichi shook his head at the headache he had. He couldn't stop thinking about what Kokichi said.
Tsumugi is the mastermind.
Could that be true? There had to be evidence and he intended to find it. He frowned and stood before Kokichi's room. Shuichi's eyes widened. "Kokichi?! KOKICHI!" He ran inside looking around for the worst- "What's the matter Shuichi?" Kokichi asked sleepily rubbing his eyes. Shuichi exhaled and stepped out into the hallway to join him. "So you're not dead." He said. "Nope!" Kokichi beamed. "Tsumugi blew up my room." Kokichi said.

Shuichi furrowed his brow. "Say what? You're still going on about Tsumugi?" He asked. Kokichi frowned. "Well for a Detective you sure are slow." Kokichi said, knowing his words would leave a mark. Right in the pride. Lying is a web that carefully must be weaved. To have a strategy for when it went south which with Kokichi it rarely did.

Shuichi shook his head. "Where's your proof?" He asked. Kokichi laughed. "Think! Think you dipsh-" "Um am I interrupting something? Atua gets impatient." Angie stuck her head out. "Yes! Not now Angie!" Kokichi said. Angie sighed. "Atua is very angry. I tried to gather you all but not even Keebo showed up!" She said. Angie held up a broken flashback light.

"Did you break that?" Shuichi seemed upset. Kokichi narrowed his eyes. Then he gasped. "EUREKA!" He declared triumphantly. He dashed into Keebo's room. Shuichi stared after him confused as Angie shook her head.
"Even Atua can not figure out that one."

Kokichi shook Keebo. "Keeboy! I know how to prove Tsumugi's the mastermind! And in case I die I'm going to write my plan down fifteen times and you can take a picture of it!" Kokichi said. Keebo looked up at him. "Woah wait a second Kokichi! Slow down." "No I can't." Kokichi snagged the remote. The purple eyed boy grinned. "It's go time!"

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