Entry 14: Memory

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A Thank you to the Memory power of the brain

I mean from remembering who are the enemies we need revenge from to never getting over the first heartbreak that made us strong there are indefinite ways in which this brain power is used over the course of a single day or century.
Recipes, dates, writing rules, people and what not. Imagine it not being an auto store. Also a perfect blame taker for the things we don't want to do. (We all forget the things we don't want to do don't we 😋). All the books that are written because of it.
For me i give gratitude to memory because I can relive certain moments over and over, and never let them go.

Honestly, as I put in equation after equation in my head and recall something that seems to be ancient, I am simply in awe of whatever created this system.
Plus it's also erasable, that is if we don't keep going back to it.

What is the memory you're most thankful for?

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