Entry 8

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This week's entry is by 6BlueRoses .

Hello everyone, I'm 6BlueRoses. I'm grateful for many things in my life but today I wanna express my gratitude for having a roof over my head and food in my belly.

I had visited my friend home last summer. They were rich and it reflected in the home. It was huge and beautiful. After this visit i felt that my home was small, I was starting to get embarrassed even. The size of my friend's bed was double than mine. I felt inferior.

Days later i went to a temple. There i saw kids playing in front of little huts. I saw that they slept on ground and were often muddy. At that moment I felt I was lucky to have a bed. It didn't matter if it was a small one or king sized.

It's amazing isn't how easy it is to forget what we have and situations have to slap it back into us? What was your such moment?

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