Somethings up there

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John crock stepped outside breathing in the cool, fresh. mountain air. He was a solitary fellow, who lived deep in the Alaskan wilderness his lovely house completely surrounded by windows. He wasn't rich but he was better off then most. the 55 year old sat in his chair looking over the mountains. he thought about how happy he was to be alone. He went inside to get something to eat and to do some basic house chores. Around 8pm long after the sun had gone down, he a enormous breaking of branches, followed by a massive thud. He grabbed his rifle and headed outside, onto his porch. Nobody should be on his property, especially at this hour. He yelled "If I see you on my property again a will open fire!" even though he never saw anyone he hoped they wouldn't call his bluff. For another hour there was no noise at all. Than again an enormous breaking of branches, followed by a thud. He grabbed his rifle ran outside and shot. the bullet echoing into the night. then he looked into the tree seeing what looked to be some large man, but no, it couldn't have been the so-called man was huge. Easily over six-foot. His long arms held him on the tree branches. John couldn't move, he could barely breathe. the man like creature looked at him its eyes glowed a faint white color. Than John came to his senses he aimed down the barrel of his gun and opened fire. The creature screeched louder than any man or woman john had ever heard.he fired again and again the enormous creature ran, no more like flew from tree to tree at a speed john didn't think possible. He sat in his chair all night rifle in hand. and moved across state first thing in the morning.

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