Chapter 19: Not Again

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*Sasha's POV*

I laid down in Stokeley's arms as I felt my phone vibrate. It was Miles. It was an invitation to his birthday party.

Miles😁: hey I just wanted to let u know that I have an upcoming birthday party and I would love for u to come.☺️

Me: sure thing. Of course I'll come. Just send me the info.

Miles😁: okay ;)

Miles was so nice. I was glad that he was back in town.

Stokeley woke up as I was texting.

"What time is it?" He said.

"7 AM" I said.

"So who the hell you texting at this time in the morning?" Stokeley said getting serious.

"Oh Miles texted me about this party he's having for his birthday. It's nothing really." I said.

"So why early this morning? Now what are y'all really talking about?" He said snatching my phone out my hand.

"Give me my shit back Stokeley!" I said.

"Fuck nah. I gotta see this shit" he said looking through my phone.

I tried to get it but he pushed me back. He's so strong so I just gave up.

"Y'all seem to be having a nice ass conversation. So is it that good to where I'm sleep and you texting this dude?" He said.

"You can't control me. I would never cheat on you so stop that shit" I said grabbing it back.

"Fix your attitude and how you approach me. I told you I love you and you still can't see it. Hit me up when you good."

I walked out the room and went outside to my car.

He's so damn jealous. I get why he would be but he really should just chill out if he says he trusts me like what the hell?

I decided to go to Natalie's house so I can confide in her. I can literally tell her everything. I got out my car and knocked on it.

Her Dad answered.

"Hey Sasha, we missed you. You're always welcome here" he said giving me a hug.

"Thank you" I said.

"If you're looking for Natalie, she's upstairs. I'm also guessing that she doesn't know you're here so go right ahead" she said.

I walked upstairs and opened her door. She was jamming to music so she didn't hear me enter. I walked to her speaker and turned the music off.

"What the h-, Shay!" She said running up to me and squeezing me in a tight ass hug.

"Girl I have so much to tell you. It's a damn shame" I said.

"Well I am listening. You have all my full attention!"She said.

"Let me get started on Stokeley. His jealousy is bad. He has this image in his mind that I'm talking to other niggas which isn't true." I said.

Before I could say anything else, we heard a knock by Nat's door and it was Jahseh.

"What's this about Stokeley that I'm hearing?" Jahseh said sitting in between us.

"His jealousy"Nat said.

"Oh yeah Stokeley has a big thing with jealousy. I could've told you that Sasha. He really loves you that's all. He can't stand of thought of seeing you with anyone else" Jah said.

"It seems as if he's trying to control me or some shit. Maybe it's all in my head but I don't wanna feel this way. I wanna feel like he can trust me which I know he does." I said.

"Aye don't sweat it, hey if it bothers you this much I'll talk to him for you. Or you two can talk. Either one is fine" Jah said putting his arms around both of us.

After Jahseh's words, I was really ready to go to Miles' party. I haven't had fun in a while. Maybe this is my chance to.

 Maybe this is my chance to

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