Follow the white duck, It'll buy you ramen

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Chapter Two:

Follow the white duck, It'll buy you ramen

The sound of laughter, and talking filled the dining room as students ate their rice and pickles slowly. It being the only thing in stock in this place thus far, she stared blankly at her tray of food. Unable to bring up the apatite to eat. Her eyes were covered with some bandaged hiding her heterochromatic eyes.

Even though her eyes were covered her sense of hearing, feeling, smelling, and tasting are sharper than they ever were. She stood up grabbing her sword that laid on the left of her, she began walking into the hallways of the house. When she arrived to this place she explored the area herself, even if she was temporarily blinded she managed to memorize the whole area.

As she walked she heard the sound of wooden sword slicing through the air, she walked towards where the sound was coming from with pure curiosity. She didn't expect to hear someone practicing when they had lunch, she didn't exactly talk with anyone, she didn't know how. She didn't want to disturb the person practicing so she decided to go to her room.

Before she left the heard the wooden sword stop swinging, could it be that they had finished. She stopped walking for better hearing, she didn't hear that sound anymore so she was curtain they had finished. Their footsteps got closer to her, she knew that the person was a male. He placed a hand on her shoulder before asking, "Do you want to practice along with me?"

He voice somehow soft, yet strict, he didn't sound like a playful child, more like a person who has lost everything he had believed in. She wasn't sure how to reply to him, so she nodded her head saying in a soft almost silent voice, "Sure..."

The streets of Edo remain crowded as the citizen's preparing for the upcoming festival that will occur in less than a week from now. The sound of iron being hammered echoed throughout the whole street causing a commotion to transpire.

Passing by, a giant white 'penguin like duck' looked at the commotion that was going on to the left of him, his line of vision not looking ahead of himself as he walked. He ended up bumping into a young woman who appeared to be in her twenties. The woman herself was distracted by the loud sound of iron banging against iron, along with the crowed of people complaining about the sound, causing her not to pay attention to her surroundings.

As she sat on the dirtied ground she looked up seeing a big white board in front of her having something written with a black permanent marker on it. 'Are you alright?'

She looked up at the giant duck, or is it a penguin? And nodded her head. She stood up not being able to remove her stare from the combined forces of duck and penguin. She was positive this person before was human, but at the same time she knew that they are an alien as well.

The being before the [Hair Color] woman wrote something on the sign that asked, 'Are you sure you're not hurt?'

She nodded her head once again, keeping her usually stoic expression on. The white duck still felt bad so he decided to take her to the ramen place that he was going to eat at. She thought for a second at his invite. The person before didn't seem like the trickster type, and he was offering her free food, also she is somehow reminded of someone by the strange beings presence. She looked up at him nodded her head for the third time that day.

'Follow me.' He wrote down on the bored.

She did what was told, and followed the astonishing creature to a ramen shop that wasn't far from the complaining crowed, that could still be heard from this distance. As they enter the shop the shop owner greeted the being beside her, "Welcome, Elizabeth! I see you have brought a friend along with you!" The shop owner openly said, knowing that the unconventional creature before her was indeed not a person that people can distrust.

The being sat on one of the stools, as the heterochromatic eyed girl sat by him. The shop owner asked for what she would like to have, she picked the largest dish they had, if she was offered free food, she wouldn't miss her chance for a great meal. The man nodded his head as he began preparing the dish that she asked for.

She awaited her order to come, she could hear the door to the ramen shop slide open. At the entrance was a dark headed male with long black hair, his face hidden by the tilted the straw hat he was wearing downwards to hide his face. He walked towards the giant duck sitting on the other side of the duck known as, Elizabeth.

When her order arrived she broke apart the chopsticks and picked up the noodles with the wooden sticks, bringing them to her mouth to eat. Savoring the taste of the delicious noodles.

She ate the noodles gracefully and slowly, not wanting to finish it too quickly. As she was mid-way finished with her bowl her attention was on the person that began speaking, "It's been a while."

The girl nodded her head replying to him, "It has... Zura." She said proceeding on her mission to finish the big bowl of ramen.

"It's not Zura, its Katsura." He stated, keeping his usual expression on, but his voice hinted irritation.

It's impossible to call this man by his name, as he was given a very amusing nickname taking the meaning of the word 'wig'. Considering the fact that this is a reunion that was happening years before, she decided to be nice... Just for this moment, "I understand, Katsura."

"It's not Katsura, its Zura- Wait, that's wrong." He said his hand now on his chin in thought.

The [Hair Color] girl finished her big bowl and asked for another one, the last bowl not satisfying her eager stomach.

The man sitting next to her got himself his usual bowl of noodles, as he started to eat it. His mind thinking about how much better it tastes that before, as he stuffed his mouth with a large scoop. As he not so silently ate his bowl next to her, he asked with some noodles he's chewing in his mouth asking the quiet woman next to him, "How about joining my organization? I'm sure you'll be a great member of the group."

The woman picked up her bowl and began drinking the soup of the second serving of noodles she had yet to finish. After drinking it all she looked at him and said, "Not interested." She spoke bluntly.

"I see." He spoke, but he wasn't ready to give up. He did the same to their other friend Gintoki, when that white headed man said no, the long haired man always insisted on him joining his organization.

"You know, you would be a great addition to the group, we can once and forever exterminate the Amanto from Earth." He spoke once again, hinting that he was persistent.

She once again said bluntly as she looked up at him, "I said, I'm not interested.

She honestly doesn't love this world that much to protect it, maybe she despised it enough to destroy it. Though, she was unsure about the feeling she wasn't sure if it was because of Earth itself, or the people in it, maybe it was the fact that it took her savior away from her.

She stood up before looking at Elizabeth, "Thank you for the food." She bowed her head to the two and left the ramen house. She left the first friend she had made back when she was younger, and walked away somehow getting a little aggravated.

The White Duck looked at his friend who seemed to be deep in thought, "For the years I have known her, I have never seen that expression on her face..."

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