why the significance of perfume

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Dorian sighed, raking his tanned hand through his dark, curling hair. His sapphire eyes flitted closed as he stifled a yawn. Gold eyes. White hair. That wicked, wicked smile. Gods, he was tired- too tired. Sitting on the edge of his bed, he unlaced his boots, slipping them off his feet. Dorian leaned back, tilting his head and staring at the ceiling. The creak of the roof told him something was on the roof. He closed his eyes again. Gold eyes. White hair. That wick-

"Stop!" he cried, the sound reverberating around the small room. His eyes snapped open as a clock across the room splintered and then seemed to explode. Dorian let out a shaky breath as the temperature in the room dropped, the walls glittering with a light covering of frost. He padded barefoot to the door, only half aware of his actions. He slipped into the corridor with a quick glance to his right and turned left, his footsteps echoing in the long pathways of the castle. Dorian arrived at a door, the torch outside casting his face into shadow, emphasising the dark circles under his eyes. Grasping the handle, Dorian let himself into the room.

This was where she stayed when she was here. But she wasn't here right now. So why was there a candle light flickering in one corner of the room. The bed in the centre of the room was empty, but rumpled sheets were carelessly chucked over it. Perfume tickled Dorian's nose. An alluring smell. Spices and sweetness. He pivoted, heading towards the door of the bathing room. As he approached, the scent became stronger, taunting him. Dorian licked his lower lip in anticipation. A single drop of perspiration dripped down his neck. He wiped it away with his hand, the cool touch of his palm a shock, clearing his mind. What was he doing? She was like a drug. He needed her- but he knew he should stay away. But a voice in his head countered- is she really a woman? Dorian's thoughts were interrupted by the click of the door as it opened and Manon Blackbeak emerged, wet and dressed in only a towel, her crown of ephemeral stars glinted on her unbound moon white hair.

Her golden eyes widened ever so slightly at the sight of him, as much surprise as the Blackbeak and Crochan Queen had ever shown him, as her mouth morphed into that wicked smile and she purred, 

"Hello, princeling."

"You seem to have forgotten your shoes." she continued, sauntering past him, her long legs golden in the candlelight. The towel she wore was not overly modest and left little to the imagination. Whatever willpower Dorian claimed to possess vanished as Manon leaned down to grab something.

"Do you need something?" she asked, walking back to the bathing room. "Because if it's shoes, I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed." Manon walked through the doorway, not even pausing to look at him. Wordlessly, Dorian followed her into the bathing room, shutting the door behind them.

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