Chapter three

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"So? How is it there? Did you meet any guys? Oh mah god are they HOT?" Alexis, Kaylene's bestie asked excitedly as she twisted a strand of her fiery red hair in anticipation. Her saphire blue eyes shined with a glint of mischieviousness as she twirled her hair around a little more. Alexis was always outgoing, but most of all she was a fiesty red-head. And her eyes were always trying to find some good eye candy whenever it can. She even created a chart for guys! From exploding to Hybernating, and from sassy hot to geeky cute! She was the master in dating and if you have any problems you'll know that Cupid Lexy can always help! At least, That's what she calls herself. Kaylene giggled at the thought of her bestfriend blabbing about types of guys to a freshman, 'Oh the poor little girl!' she taught.

"Well if you consider a fat mailman and one of your Dad's employee hot, Then yesh I have seen sime hotties" Kaylene smirked as Alexis rolled her eyes. Her Dad's employees where the opposite of your definition of hunketers, since Mr. Cane knew excatly the effect of hiring hot men would do to his precious little girl, he saught for the 'less atractive' bunch. "I've always told daddy to hire hotter guys! I mean at least try to find someone decent! But no... 'I'm just looking out for you hun', Urgh! I'm 17 and I still don't have a boyfriend! My life officialy sucks!" The red-head nagged and threw her hands up in the dramaticly as her friend tried to stiffle a laugh. Which was cut off short when she glared at the other girl. "Anyway! Enough about me! I wanna talk about you! So.....How's the neighboorhood? Oh! How bout your room? can I see it?" Kaylene looked around nervously at her room. It wasn't excatly neat nor messy, ever since her little 'fantasy' She can't seem to concentrate in anything. The pain was still there and so was the fear. Alexis furrowed her eyebrows in worry as she saw her friend stiffen. But being the awesome friend she is, she's not gonna pressure Kaylene. Well at least for now she thought. "Hello? world to Kaylene? You still there hun? Ohmahgod! I freezed mah bestie with my almighty awesomeness! Why?!!!!" The red-head screamed her lungs out and with that Kaylene was back, smiling and giggling. "Yeah right!" she retorted. They were talking for what seemed an eternity, when Ms. Mccarthy interupted them.

"Kaylene dear, can you please give this loveley pie next door?" Ms. Mccarthy asked, holding a beautifully baked blueberry pie that made both girls drool in hunger. "But mom! I've got Lexi on the other side! you know.. Girlfriend time?" and with that the woman's face fell, and a disapproving look was already there. With a pinch of sassiness of course. "Well honey pie I guess you'll have to pospone this little gathering of yours cause when Big momma says go you get up and go right now. And if you even think about saying no, you better watch out Kaylene no fucking middle name Mccarthy cause shit's gonna get real" Kaylene gapped at her mom's come back as Lexi's 'burn!' was heard at the back ground. "Oh... I suggest you go Kayl, I mean that's kinda tough to beat" Lexi exclaimed as she giggled. Groaning, Kaylene lazily took the pie and dragged her feet downstairs. Earning a stiffled laugh from both Max, and Ms. Mccarthy, who were both watching her acting like a five year old. The sight really did amuse the mother and son.

Kaylene opened the door roughly and slammed it shut. 'Urgh! Mom.. Chroses... Urgh' was the only sentence that could express how annoyed she actually was, So when she finally reached her new neighboor's house her frown was quickly replaced with a fake smile. ding dong, The sound of the bell filled the air, replacing the eerie silence she didn't even notice before. "Who is it?!" a hoarse voice was heard, followed by clicking sounds of locks opening. "Why hello! You must be our new neighboor!" an old woman came out, shocking Kaylene by her appearance. Her some what grey hair was unruly, her back was crooked in a wierd S shape, her while entire body was wrinkled, and the worst part was her seemingly dead eyes. If the woman wasn't her neighboor Kaylene would've already sprinted back to her room right now. And even though it's rude to stare, that was only thong she can do, for the woman's presence gave her the chills and her voice reminded her of something. But Kaylene just shook it off. 'Don't judge a book by it's cover' she repeated to herself before greeting the old woman, "Hi there I'm Kaylene, and my mom thought it would be great if you'll accept this pie". The woman gave her a toothless grin as she inhaled the mouthwatering aroma of Ms. Mccarthy's blueberry pie. "Why thank you dear! And please, call me Marieanne. Why don't come in for a while?" Marieanne offered with the grin still plastered on her face. "Oh.. Well I'm no-" Kaylene stopped her self from answering. The woman's hurt look was too much, for no matter how eerie she was, she was still just an old woman trying to be polite. Sighing, Kaylene answered "Sure thing, Marieanne". The woman's face lit up like a thousandight bulbs as she dragged Kaylene inside excitedly. "Oh my why don't you make yourself at home dear? I'll get some tea!" she clapped her hands together and leaped to the kitchen. 'Wow, for an old lady she sure is active" Kaylene thought as she explored the house a little more.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2014 ⏰

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