Chapter one

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The smell of fallen leaves fills the air as autumn strikes, decorating the air with a colourful bliss. The wind, blowing softly, as a mother's touch. The air was silent, nothing but cheerful screams of a boy was heard. "Come on sis! Have some fun!" The dirty blonde haired boy exclaimed cheerfully as he eyed his sister. The boy started pouting as he saw the blonde haired girl kept sketching, her hazel green eyes glued to the sketchbook. "Mom! Kaylene wont play with me!" the boy ran to his mother, pouting all the way and finishing his act by crossing his arms playfully. "Now, now, you know how your sister is, always sketching and drawing. Ckck, I don't even know what to do with her!" The woman joked, as she gazed at her daughter, who was rolling her eyes. "Why don't you help me with the boxes? It'll be fun..." The old lady spoke sweetly as she ruffled the boy's hair. The boy's face brightened up as he rushed to the house, grabbing boxes.

"Now as for you, young lady" the woman spoke warningly, as she grabbed the girl's sketchbook. "Mom!!!" The girl screamed and tried to reach for the book. "This is on hold for a while until you get your 'stuff' packed! And no buts young lady! We already discussed this" The woman said, walking back to the house where the boy was struggling.  The girl, annoyed, started pouting as she dragged her feet to the second floor. She entered her room, well if it was still one. Sketches and paper were everywhere, not to mention her art supplies scattered on the floor. Kaylene sighed, she really didn't want to do this, let alone move. But her mother already made up her mind, and there's no way to change it now. She wished her father was still with them, He out of anyone would've had her back. She is infact a Daddy's girl. Tears started to stream down her cheeck as she remembered those good times, before the accident. Before her father died.

It was a cold Tuesday,  Easter to be exact. And there was a storm, a big one. Kaylene was just 10, and her brother Max was just 6. They were cuddled inside the house, protected from the storm. But their father had just finished work and was on his way to his loved family. Kaylene didn't know what happened, she was playing with Max at that moment. That moment when the phone rang, it rang as if it was a fire alarm. Her mother, covered in dough, answered it. Her cheerful face replaced by a shocked one when she heard the news. But she stayed strong, for she knew that her children needed her. She had to be strong, at least for them, even though the woman felt as if her heart was torn. She knew that those kids could help her fix it. In time, at least, she thought.

The next few weeks were hard for the Mccarthy family, many people came to the funeral, many said beautiful things about their beloved father and husband. But no one could ever know how devastated they were, for only those who have gone through the same know. The once blissful and cheerful house turned sorrow grief. But as time passes by they learned how to cope, and how to continue with their lifes. Because what's in the past, stays there. And there's really no point in dwelling over it, all you can do is treasure the happy moments you've lived through.

And with that thought Kaylene finished packing with a weak smile on her face. "Honey, you done?" her mother's voice rang as she took those boxes down, with the help of Max of course. "Yup! gosh I'm gonna miss this house" she exclaimed as she took one last look of the house. "Me too, now get in the car. I'm just gonna finish some things up, and that goes for you too young man" the woman, Mrs. Clary Mccarthy replied as she signed the documents the huge man wearing 'Cane's moving help' T-shirt gave her. "Dibs on the front seat!" Max screamed and ran to the car. "Not if I can help it!" Kaylene ran to the front seat to only find Max already dozing off. She smiled at the boy, 'Seriously, how many boxes did he move?' she thought, a giggle escaped her mouth. She put the seatbelt over him, and went back to the back seat of the car. She closed her eyes , drifting to sleep.

"BEEEEEPPPPPPP!!!!" the sound of a car woke Kaylene up. She jolted up to be excat, like a child who had a nightmare. "Woah! did I wake you up honey?" Mrs. Mccarthy glanzed at her daughther worriedly, but still keeping her eyes on the wheel. "Nah, You're good. By the way, where are we?" Kaylene replied and glanzed at her brother sleeping like a polar bear in winter. "Don't worry hun, just a few kilometers away" her mother answered shortly, catious with the road. Remembering the accident that happened years ago. Meanwhile Kaylene, who started to feel bored, unlocked her phone and took out her headphones. She went through the playist first searching a song, when she accidentally pressed the radio icon. 'a very strange site is happening at road 13 where a rain seens to only happen in a strip of place there. This wierd weather has amazed many meteorologist' the announcer said with bewilderment in his voice.

Kaylene's eyes opened and so did her body, that is in a way, she sat strait. Her eyes began to fill with wonder and Imagination as she heard and what was going on. 'A rain that happens only in a strip of place! That's amazing!!!' she thought as the song So Cold by Todrick Hall started to play. And with that she heard raindrops ahead of her, and saw the phenomenal view her self as her car began to move closer and closer to the anatomy. She began to slump in her chair and stared at the window with much amusement. 'Oh how wonderful the rain is!' she thought. And she was right, for everything looked so blissful from where she was. The trees seemed to have come to life and in her eyes were magnificent creatures moving closer, and closer to each other. Her eyes have never looked so full of wonder before. As she sighed dreamily and continued to let her imagination go wild.

hey there folks! I just wanna say thank you for giving your time to read this and I am sorry if I miss spelled anything (English isn't my mother tounge language). And please comment! I really wanna know what you think about this, I am open to any type of criticism. That's all! Stay awesome and crazy!

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