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  You've probably been in this situation before. You get this brilliant idea for a story, so of course you immediately sit down and start writing it. But a few weeks later, as you sit staring at a page half full of words, you realize that you have no idea where you're going because you forgot to write at least something of an outline for your story.

  That's what happened to me with this story. I had a chapter written, published on here, I went to write the next chapter and... I realized that I didn't know what was supposed to happen next. So after spending (quite) a while coming up with a plot, I have finally started to write Judgement Call again!

  I've actually turned it into my project for this NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month, where you try and write 50,000 words in the month of November. Crazy scary but crazy awesome.) and I'm hoping to update semi-consistently!!

  Anyway, before you go on to read the actual story, I just want to say thank you so much for reading this! =) It's still so crazy awesome that someone wants to read my writing, and I hope that it gives you lots of laughter and excitement. My story isn't finished, and it's definitely not polished, so constructive criticism would be wonderful! 

  Thank you again for reading!

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