The Aftermath

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Second to last chap :) I'm might post the last chapter which is the epilogue on Christmas!

Chapter 24

When my eyes fluttered open, I realized I was staring up at the clear blue sky of the Enchanted Ceiling. I heard shuffling and weeping all around me, as people mourned for the dead. I all I wanted to do was die permanently, because of the ones we lost. Blaise, Lavender, the Macons, Stephen, Carling, and worst of all...Stefan. I felt numb, cold, weak, my chest hurt, and I felt like I couldn't breathe. It wasn't because I was physically hurt, but because of all the emotional pain. Stefan was dead.

Stefan Antonio Salvatore was a man who loved me no matter what. He raised me when my parents died 17 years ago in a drunk driving accident. He changed my diapers when I was a baby, told me I wasn't a freak when I thought I was, reassured me when I doubted my magical abilities, and stepped between me and Damon when we fought. He protected me, loved me, and did everything he could for me. And now he was gone.

I couldn't take it anymore and started to cry. Big fat tears were rolling down my face so badly I could barely see.

"She's awake." I heard Damon say, but I didn't want to turn my head, because I was afraid of what I would see. "Princess? Are you all right."

I didn't trust my voice, so I shook my head no.

"It's ok Princess. We won. They're all dead. Even Greyback."

I shook my head no again.

"Love, it's going to be all right." Klaus said in a horse whisper, taking my hand. "We're all here. We all made it."

I shook my head no again, but this time more vigorously. "Stefan." I said. "He's...."

"Right here Lynn."

My eyes widened and I slowly turned my head toward his voice. He was laying on his side next to me smiling, and his green eyes sparkled as he looked at me. I stared at him in amazement.

"Yes, he is alive." Elijah smiled, sitting with his arms wrapped tightly around Hermione.

"But how? I don't understand?" I asked hurriedly as I tried to sit up.

"Now, now, none of that." Madam Pomfrey said, gently shoving me back down. "You need to stay still. You were stuck on that pole for a good long while, and I want to make sure you fully heal."

What pole?

I ignored her and stared at Stefan. "I-I s-saw you get staked. You died. I saw...I saw..."

"Salazar's Blood Bonding Potion." He said with a smile. "After Pansy and her parents killed us, they thought it would be funny to stake us together. They laid you on top of me, and shoved a wooden pole through our hearts. What they didn't count on, was the healing properties the potion had given your blood. It mixed with mine, and brought me back to life too."

"When the sun came up, I spotted the two of you stuck to that pole on the edge of the dark forest." Godric said. "I immediately got you down and that's when I realized Stefan was alive, and I brought both of you in here."

"But Stephen, Carling, and the Macons! Maybe we can save..."

Damon shook his head. "No Princess. I'm afraid we can't."

"Why not?" I demanded.

"We already tried to use your blood to revive them, but we couldn't. The only thing we can think of is, Stefan's blood was in the Blood-Bonding Potion." Salazar said, shifting uncomfortably, and holding his right shoulder. "His blood helped create what you have become, and we think that's the only reason he is alive."

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