"Watson and I are on it sir!" The Ravenclaw stood up and shouted.

"Have you found any clues?" Salazar asked.

"Yes sir we have. Watson has found a giant bottle of firewhiskey in Professor Snape's chambers, and we have come to the conclusion that Beetlejuice is in fact, the real Professor Snape. He's just been drinking sir." And the great hall burst into more laughter.

"Ah! I see! Well that explains it then." Salazar said laughing. "Excellent sleuthing my good sir." The Ravenclaw burst into a wide grin, and tipped his hat to Salazar.

"Watson! You have detention!" Professor Snape shouted, and we all laughed again.

"Now to my Slytherins. I cannot tell you how much it pleases me to see most of you participating in tonight events, and to see you all embracing a muggle tradition. I am proud to see a lot of you dressing up in muggle Halloween costumes, and while I know that not all of you have dressed up, the majority of you clapped, yelled, and voted for Lynn in the Costume Contest. A year ago, this wouldn't have happened. My arrogant, egotistical, no good rotten heir would have had all your heads on a silver platter, but thanks to Mr. Harry Potter, he is dead and gone, and there is nothing more to fear from him. All of you have come to see my painting in Lynn's common room, and most of you have listened to me. Some of you however," he said looking at Pansy and her friends, "haven't caught up yet. The old ways are gone, and it's time you listened to reason. You all know what I have said, but I can now say it in front of the entire wizarding world. My old ideals and beliefs are no longer acceptable. There is no reason to be spouting off about pure blood supremacy and hating muggles. Yes, I hated muggles, muggle borns, and half bloods, but I don't any more. The only reason I felt the way I did was because the muggles in those days were trying to kill us. I didn't trust them. I have been out in today's muggle world, and I have kept up with their culture, and they don't care about witchcraft anymore. They could honestly care less, and I encourage you all to be brave, and stand up to those who feel the way I did about muggles. Tell them I said it's no longer acceptable. My Slytherins, I am proud of you, and I want to thank everyone here tonight for allowing me to speak. Thank you."

Salazar stepped away from the podium, and took a small bow as the great hall burst into applause. And rightly so!

"Well, The Daily Prophet has published an article about Salazar." Hermione said, handing me the paper at breakfast the next morning.

"Please let it be good." I sighed.

Salazar Slytherin returns to Hogwarts, Calls You-Know-Who a Rotten Heir, Thanks Harry Potter

I read the article in its entirety, and even though it mentioned the fact that Salazar was a 1,100 year old vampire, it painted him in a good light. It repeated almost word for word what he had said the night before. Thank goodness!

"How did they manage to get a picture?" Draco asked.

"From what I heard, a third year Gryffindor's Father is a reporter, and was here last night. As soon as Dumbledore introduced Salazar, he whipped out his quill and started writing down everything he said. He also took the picture." Hermione answered.

"What I don't get," Ron said shoving food into his mouth, "is why didn't Salazar make himself known hundreds of years ago. I mean, You-Know-Who might not have even been a problem if Salazar had come forward."

"I asked him one time, when did he change his opinion about muggles and muggle borns. He said that he changed about 300 years ago." Draco said.

Hermione nodded. "It makes sense."

"Why is that?" Harry asked.

"Honestly Harry, do you ever pay attention in History of Magic?" She asked, rolling her eyes. "For the last 1,000 years Great Britain has had many waves of witch hunts. The very last execution of a witch was in 1682. Then the muggles passed The Witchcraft Act in 1735. That Act made it a criminal offence to claim that anyone was guilty of practicing witchcraft. After it was passed, witches and wizards were no longer in danger. I'm guessing, since that was roughly 300 years ago, that was when Salazar changed."

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