"Do not tell me you guys went in there, wands blazing like some bumbling western Cowboys." I said glaring at the two Hybrids, Vampire, and Animagus.

"That is exactly what we did my Dear, though I wouldn't say bumbling." Elijah grinned.

I face palmed my forehead, and turned to Professor Snape. "Sir, are you ok?"

"Barely." He replied, sneering at Remus and Sirius.

I shook my head. "Gryffindors." I said rolling my eyes. "And wanna be Gryffindors."

"Hey!" Klaus exclaimed, with mock hurt. "Elijah and I would have been Slytherins!"

"Debatable." I said, with a grin.

While Damon and Stefan laughed, I turned my attention to Carling. "How is she?" I asked.

"Much better." She replied with a smile. "I feel much better."

I studied her for a moment. Her simple yellow dress was dirty and torn. Her long red hair was greasy, stringy and tangled. She looked very pale, thin, and sickly. But I guess that's to be expected.

"Where are we Stephen?" She asked, leaning on her brother for support. "And who are these people?"

"We are at Hogwarts. In one of the dungeons. When I was caught, they brought me in here." And he explained who we were.

"And you helped us anyway? Even after what my brother had to do to you?" She asked looking at us.

"Yes." Elijah said. "After we heard your story, we couldn't just leave you there."

"They are Weasleys." I announced.

"Really?" Remus, Sirius, and Dumbledore chorused in surprise, and Stephen nodded.

"Perhaps in the morning I'll contact Arthur and Molly, but for now, I think we all need some rest." Dumbledore said.

"They can stay at our home." Elijah offered. "That way they can shower and rest in a real bed."

"I agree." Stefan said, offering to help Carling up.

"She can have my room." I offered. "That way she has a private bathroom. Pinky, I have some clothes that will fit her. They are in my closet, and she can select anything that she wants. Will you help her?"

"Of course Mistress." She said, looking Carling over with sympathy.

"That is very kind of you. I think we will accept your offer, if you are all in agreement." Stephen said looking at Klaus and Damon, who nodded.

"Thank you so very much." Carling said.

"I need to let Salazar know what has happened." I said. "He's going to be angry that no one has kept him in the loop."

We walked the short way back to my common room so the boys, Stephen, and Carling could floo to our house. Salazar was a little miffed that no one had thought to tell him anything, but understood once I explained it. After I asked about going back to the regular Slytherin chambers, Dumbledore told me that I should stay where I was for the remainder of the year, just in case. Turned out to be a wise decision.

"Weasleys!?" Ron, Fred, George, and Ginny cried, at breakfast the next morning, after I finished telling everyone what had happened the night before. Ginny had joined us, because I thought she should know what had happened as well. After all they were her family too.

I nodded. "They are at our house for now. I told Damon and Stefan that we'd all be there after breakfast. So you will have a chance to meet them, and Ginny, if you want to join us in our plan your more than welcome too." I grinned.

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